We are sharing Youm e Takbeer Speech In Urdu on 28th May through this page, Youm e Takbeer is Pakistan’s National Day which is celebrated on every year the 28th of May. On the 28th of May 1998, Pakistan was given five nuclear successful experiments and after this nuclear experiment, Pakistan got the title of the world’s first Nuclear power and World 7 nuclear power. Here we want to mention in 1998 Indian government declared this region a superpower due to nuclear technology but after 17 days Pakistan Government was given a reply to the Indian government. Every year all Pakistani people celebrate Youm e Takbeer because after this day Pakistan’s security is based on strong standards.
On the 28th of May Flag Hoisting ceremony, Atomic energy exhibitions, different award ceremonies, military programmers, and different speeches are conducted by the official and non-official institutes.
Youm e Takbeer Speech In Urdu 28th May
Every Pakistani celebrates Youm-e-Takbeer because this day lets them feel proud of what they did on this day. On this day, Pakistan became the superpower and declared 7th nuclear power in the world and the first in the Muslim world. There was a great need for nuclear tests because of huge pressure from India and the United States. Pakistan was asked not to do the nuclear test by offering a huge incentive to the United States. After these tests, America stopped providing aid to Pakistan as well as never providing F-16 fighter-bombers that Pakistan ordered from America and paid in advance.
28 May Youm e Takbeer Quotes, SMS
There were some Anti-Pakistan bodies who were totally against this day and declared this day as Black Day in the history of Pakistan. In memory of this day, the Pakistani nation arranges different ceremonies on 28 May because of this Youm-e-Takbeer. This day helped us to become the superpower to talk with our enemies in their way. After Youm e Takbeer Speech In Urdu on 28th May if you want to get different Pakistani National Day details then visit this website’s main home page.
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