If you are living in KPK and want to register your any issue complain then must read further information that is base on KPK CM Complaint Cell Number Website Email landline number. CM KPK Pervez Khattak is opened complain cell for all people who are facing any difficulty regarding government routine work for example if you want to get CNIC card and you are facing irregularities in Nadra office then send your complain and get the fastest solution. here we want to mention in KPK PTI chairman Imran Khan party is running KPK government with Jamate Islamic collaboration and this is one reality both political party leadership is honest and want to facelifts people, that is the major reason KPK public is getting pure befits as compare to other Pakistan Province. KPK CM Complaint Cell Number, KPK CM Complaint Landline Number is given so people can register their complaints online. Complain system is very old system but this system was not working well because of the previous government’s poor management. Currently, KPK government is working on KPK CM Complaint Cell department and KPK CM Complaint Website and KPK CM Complaint Email is working properly.
KPK CM Complaint Cell Landline Number Website Email
KPK CM Complaint Cell Landline Number:
KPK CM Complaint Cell Website address:
www. Crckp.gov.pk
KPK CM Complaint Cell Fax number:
KPK CM Complaint Email:
How to register online complain:
Click Here for Complaint register (after this step you can get one from)
Get your complaint number
- Enter your name
- Put your father Name
- Put your Email
- enter your Address
- Put Mobile Number
- Put Landline Number
- Select option in Complaint Against different options
- Now enter your name
- Enter your contact Number
- Enter Subject
- Now at the end enter Message and press “Submit Your Complaint Number”
after KPK CM Complaint Cell Landline Number Website Email details if you want to get information how to register online FIR in KPK then visit this website main home page. So if you have any complaint then you can register your complaint on KPK CM Complaint Cell Landline Number Website Email.
1 Comment
Very prompt action on my complaint. Really impressed with dedicated individuals to resolve the issue.