Like other countries, International Women’s Day 2025 In Pakistan is going to be celebrated on the 8th of March. Women’s Day is being celebrated around the world to empower women, by emphasizing women’s education and to make efforts against women’s abuse and brutality. This day was marked all around the globe with talks, rallies, art performances, conferences, marches and networking events, and much more. It commemorates the movement for women’s rights. It is also called civil awareness day, women and girls day, anti-sexism day, and anti-discrimination day. The day was first celebrated on March 8, 1907, by the women workers in New York America. The purpose of this strike was to get equal rights for women like men. As a result, the European countries decided to establish an international women’s conference and since then the Women’s day is being celebrated on 8th March.
International Women’s Day In Pakistan
Several special programs are conducted to pay tribute in the memory of those women who had made special work in the history of the world or the history of Pakistan. There are so many functions, campaigns, and programs are conducted by the government, non government institutes, charities, and NGOs to eliminate discrimination among genders and emphasize women’s empowerment and gender equality. This year the International Women’s Day is also celebrated with extreme celebrations on the 8th of March, 2025.
The History of International Woman’s Day is very long. The first observance of Woman’s Day was held on 28th Feb 1909 in New York. This day of celebration is come into existence due to inequality of the rights of males and females. The inequality in both genders was increasing rapidly in the 1990s, due to which a campaign arises in order to provide equal rights to women. In 1909 women marched with a ratio of 15000 females in New York City in order to protest against women’s rights. The first march of a woman was arises on 28th Feb 1909. Later on, in 1910 the working women again arranged the conference which gave the idea of International Woman’s Day. Several alterations and modifications were made on the date of International Woman’s Day. Finally, in 1975, the final date for celebrating International Women’s Day is decided as 8th March. Every year on 8th March the woman’s day is celebrated all over the world.
The major object of arises the campaign of woman day is only to demand equal rights. But, unfortunately, till now, women are not able to achieve full woman rights in the present century. It brings improvements to some extent but there is no prominent change occurs in the rights of both men and women. In order to protest and celebrate International Women’s Day this year, it is celebrated on the 8th of March, 2025. We also try to work for the equal rights of men and women in the current world in almost every field of life.
So, become a part of us to protest as well as celebrate women’s day with positive deeds. However, some parties and NGOs are using this day for political purposes. As a result of political influence, both man and women could not achieve their rights even face criticism from the nation. Basically, the objective of the rights of men as well as women could not achieve till there is political influence to get the rights. So, try to avoid any political party standing in support of their objectives as well as goals.
This is all my ideas on International Women’s Day 2025 In Pakistan! You can also add your comments in the following commenting box.