There is much Importance Of Career Counseling In Pakistan which can be further reviewed through below given writing as displayed here. Pakistan is a nation which is highly blessed with talent and capable human resource but the only need is the proper counseling of this raw resource so that it can be converted in to productive man power. Today in Pakistan the youth is energetic and full of expertise in all the variety of knowledge and skills but unfortunately they are unaware of from where they have to start and what their end result is. And this is one major reason for which such competent and highly educated people are being wasted on normal basis which ultimately impacts the economy and stability of the country.
Career counseling is one of those areas which are needed to be developed and should be strengthened in the country like Pakistan so that these youth and these competent human resource should be given the right direction in which they should prevail and should enhance and polish there career in the fields of their interest and expertise.
Various organizations in this regard are working effectively so that this confused audience should be given the right path. Another very significant point of this present age is that people are unaware in the fields and the sectors which are to grow in the upcoming future or which are at the boom and even they are unaware of the fact that which sector is declining or will be declining in the near future.
This is because the students and the people of the modern era are keener to join and develop their career in the fields and sector which is growing and which has the potential to continue growing irrespective of their interest and their expertise. The problem is that the youth is unaware of all these facts and for that purpose the need of consultancy as far as careers are concerned becomes necessity. Employment is very much difficult in the country like Pakistan, where unemployment is strengthening its foundation and will continue to get even worse so it is very crucial to opt for the career which is to grow further and which has the flexibility to get enlarged.
The people have started to recognize the need and the importance of career counseling for Students in Pakistan and that is one major reason for which various universities and colleges have also established their own career counseling cells for the students so that the students might be given the right advice and should be directed according to the scope of the career and the interest and the capability of the individual candidate.
i have completed my intermediate exams from Pakistan with good grades
and now wants to study in foreign with the scholarships ,
i have completed my matriculation exams with 78 percentage and in intermediate 69 percentage
soo i want to study in engineering in foreign if any scholarship available for me, plz guide