9 November is the Birthday of the Great philosopher and poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal. 9th November Allama Iqbal Day Speech In Urdu is available on this page. So if you are going to provide the tribute to the National poet then you can use this 9th November Speech in Urdu. Every year, every Pakistani pays tributes to this great leader who awakened the Muslims to get a separate homeland through his poetry. “When truth has no burning, then it is philosophy when it gets burning from the heart, it becomes poetry”, these great lines are written by a great philosopher and poet “Allama Muhammad Iqbal”. The world knows this name as “Poet of East” while many poesy communities have said him as the “poet of nations”. God has bestowed this blessing on Pakistan where this versatile personality was born on 09th November 1877 at Sialkot British Punjab to father Sheikh Noor Muhammad (late) and mother Imam Bibi. So this day is a very graceful and lucky day for all of us and we should celebrate this day with special doings like speeches and candle lighting under the heading of Iqbal Day.
Allama Iqbal Day Speech In Urdu
Here I have assembled my thoughts for the 9th November day speech in Urdu. All educational institutes including schools, colleges, and universities in Pakistan are officially closed for a holiday, and students along with all the nation not only in Pakistan but also those Pakistanis who are living abroad, celebrate this day with a lot of prayers, happiness, and memories left behind for this great personality.
Iqbal Day Speech In Urdu:
It was the time when Pakistan was not founded on the map of the world. Muslims do have not any place where they can live their lives independently under Islamic rules and ethics. Iqbal saw a dream about a separate land where Muslims have their recognition and share this ideology with his friend Muhammad Ali Jinnah who was a leader of the Muslim League political party. This man gave an ideology to the youth of Muslims and congregated them under a platform where he gave a Speech of Allahabad and told Muslims to learn English and Hindi to become educated so that they can be economically stronger.
9th November Speech in Urdu:
Iqbal injects Muslims with his impressive poetry that wakes up their thinking and they realize their worth in this world. He has magic in his tongue that whoever listens to his poetry or verse becomes his fan. I would like to say that Pakistan is a consequence of his thinking that makes Muslims a single body without any difference of color, status, or cast. So we must not let the countless efforts and sacrifices of our leader go to waste. We must avoid discriminating against each other because of certain hostile elements. Rather, we must strive for unity and for the development and prosperity of the country. And the efforts of our poet Iqbal should be appreciated through our prayers and greetings. Even we should respectfully celebrate this day in memory of Iqbal’s birthday and we should pray to God for his peace and rest in heaven with a lot of blessings on his soul (Ameen).
Allama Iqbal Poetry In Urdu For Students
In the end, I am going to say that if you are looking for the 9th November Speech in Urdu then you must use the above Urdu speech which is designed for you. This is the best Allama Iqbal Day Speech in Urdu that you can use on 9 November for your School Seminar.
I find this speech quite difficult but I’m sure that it will be good enough for what I have to do at school
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