Zakat Rozgar Rickshaw Auto Scheme 2016 is one of the greatest efforts of Govt. of Pakistan. Zakat is a religious obligation for all the muslims who have the status to do so are bound to pay the Zakat. There is a proper ammount fixed for this perpose and if a muslim crosses the limit then he has to pay zakat to its beneficiries. The fixed amount on which zakat became a liability to pay off. This is the liability which is imposed on a person who has 7.5 tola gold, 52 tola silver or money equal to this or collection of all this with which anyone of above three could be purchased, on this 2.5% or fortieth part of the amount is liable to be paid. Zakat is very important to be paid by a muslim. Being a muslim it is our believe that zakat purify our income. This is why Govt. of pakisstan is taking a step to help the poorsto stand in the line of middle class by having aid from rozgaar scheme. For this porpuse Govt.. of pakistan is launching different schemes for poor people. One of those is rakshaw scheme for the people who are unemployed and are doing efforts to meet their expences.
Zakat Rozgar Rickshaw Auto Scheme 2016
In rikshaw rozgaar scheme Govt. is giving rickshaws to un employed poor people to have their own source of income. For this purpose Govt. is giving rickshaws to the elligible persons. Not only this but also it is providing guzara allowance to those more than 1 lak families who can not afford to meet their expences and are gone to the wall to live life below the poverty line this is why Govt.. is taking steps to help them.
Other is to give a free treatment to the beneficiaries in Govt. hospitals all over the pakistan. Next on is to give PKR 3000/- quarterly paid off to the blind people. These are paid by those people who give zakat to Govt. to meet these expenditures. Govt. gives vocational training and monthly compansation to the youngsters of Pakistan. For small industries Govt. is giving aids up to 3 lak for skilled persons. Helping the worthy parents to marry their daughter. And many more schemes for the worthy people with the zakat rozgar scheme.
Contacts to Govt. for help from zakat fund:
78 Shadman-II Lahore
Phone #: (042) 99263230-32
Fax: (042) 99263231
Email: [email protected]
Administrator Zakat Punjab
2-Courts Street Lahore
Phone: (042) 99210697
Fax: (042) 99210696
E-mail: [email protected]
1 Comment
mujhe aik rikshaw chahiye easy instalment py…
plzzz help me