How to register activate PTCL Smart Phone app on mobile guide is available here. PTCL has released an app of PTCL Smart TV app for android phones. As everything is now on smart phones and everything is operated by the applications installed in smart phones. Keeping that in view, PTCL has introduced an app for the customers who wants to watch TV but couldn’t do it just because of lack of time and are willing to have such a way that they can easily watch TV anytime anywhere. For that purpose PTCL has launched a new app to help those people who wants to be updated by the news and wants a live commentary and wants to watch their favorite shows anywhere anytime. This app helps them to have all the fun they want and are seeking for. Customer can watch live commentary of a cricket match, watch their favorite dramas and movies on mobile and can watch news live at any time. The app is very easy to install and use. PTCL is the company that provides every kind of ease to its customer that, the customer wants or needs. It tries to give maximum satisfaction to its customer. Same is in the case of the PTCL Smart TV app. In this case, PTCL is not only giving satisfaction to its customer but also is saving the time of the common person by giving the information at the time of need. Thus it is helping the common person to work more by saving its time, and in other words saving its money. Thus it is saving money of its customers.
How To Register Activate Ptcl Smart Phone App On Mobile
Guidance of downloading and installing of PTCL Smart app form Google app store:
- App store:
Go on app store and search for “PTCL Smart TV APP” on the search bar of the app store.
- PTCL TV App:
The app will showed up on the screen on the app store. Click on the app and you can start the download process.
- Download and installation:
Now click on the install button to download and install the app.
- Acceptance:
Now accept the installation by clicking the install button on the screen.
- Download and installation process:
Download and installation process will be started automatically.
- Appearance of App:
Once the application is installed, open the application. It will look like the picture below.
- Log In:
Now give your details that are required to log you in.
- Now enjoy the Smart TV services on your android phone.