We are sharing the details about How to Register for COVID Vaccine in Pakistan here. This is the time that we should tackle this Covid-19 pandemic wisely and correctly. Vaccinating yourself is the only solution that is devised and initiated so far. We know that most of the developed countries are eager and pushing their limits to vaccinate their citizens. In the same way and manner, Pakistan is making lots of efforts and attempts to vaccinate its people. In this post, you are going to check out how to get registered for the COVID vaccine in Pakistan. In the present situation, it is a necessary thing for all of us to get vaccinated. Now, this vaccination process is even opened for 19 plus individuals. So, check out the vaccination process below.
How to Register for COVID Vaccine in Pakistan
First, you should know how you would become eligible for the vaccination process. You just need to wait for the dates where you become eligible for it. So, check out the eligibility and other processes below.
Eligibility for Covid vaccine in Pakistan:
If we talk about the requirements for the vaccination, then there are no specific requirements. The vaccination procedure is category-wise bases.
Vaccine Registration Pakistan Procedure:
- For senior citizens who are 65 plus, they have to send their CNIC number right on this number, 1166. Make sure that you enter the details of the CNIC number without any dashes and spaces and they have to be of 13 digits. Once you send your CNIC details to this number, then you are going to get the PIN code. After that, you will be asked to walk to your nearest located vaccination center and simply get the vaccine dose.
- In addition, senior citizens who are aged between 60 to 64, need to send their CNIC number on 1166. Apart from that, they can be visiting and checking out this site nims.nadra.gov.pk.so that they can register themselves for vaccination purposes. It is through SMS that you are going to get the details and complete information of your vaccination date and vaccination center.
- For those senior citizens who are aged between 50 to 59, their registration process is already started and commenced from 30th March 2025. If you have not yet vaccinated yourself and you fall in this age bracket, then simply SMS your CNIC to 1166. Or you can visit this respective site nims.nadra.gov.pk. Make sure to keep an eye on your SMS area so that you can be informed about the vaccination center and date.
- Similarly, the vaccination process for the age of 19 to 50 years is also on the way. You can register yourself by sending your CNIC number to 1166. You will receive a confirmation message. Visit the nearest vaccination center and show them the code you received and then vaccinate yourself.
Other details to get registered for Covid vaccine in Pakistan:
For registered health care workers, it is with the help of SMS that they will be given and provided with details about the vaccination center and date. In Pakistan, so far 7.95M vaccine doses are given. In addition, 2.17M people of Pakistan are now fully vaccinated. It means that 1% of the population of Pakistan has managed to completely vaccinate themselves.
Why is it important to register for the Covid vaccine in Pakistan?
Pakistan citizens need to go and pass through this vaccination process because the vaccine keeps you safe from this deadly COVID-19 virus. It improves the natural defense of your body and enhances your immune system as well. Upon vaccinating yourself, it becomes easy for your immune defense system to recognize that germ and produce antibodies against it.
If you have gone through this COVID-19 vaccination processing, then do let us know. And share your feedback with us as well. So, this is all about How to Register for COVID Vaccine in Pakistan. Hopefully, you have checked the details and now it is easy to apply for the vaccination and vaccinate yourself.