National Testing Service Pakistan introduces National Teachers Database (NTD) in collaboration with leading educational institutes in Pakistan. Actually In order to fulfill the needs of educational institutes & potential teachers, NTS proudly announces the National Teachers Database for getting better response from education sector of Pakistan. NTD is a standardized recruitment test for potential and existing faculty,teaching at National Level. This Program is expected to provide valuable services to the National Teachers Database Associates and Potential Teachers. Just for the sake of teachers and giving them a reputed place in society National Testing Service launches this Product.
Upcoming NTS National Teacher Database Test
Last Date of Registration: Monday, 19th November 2012
Test Date: Sunday, 16th December 2012
National Teacher Database Application Form
For BA/BSc (14 years):
NTD Registration Form for Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science (PDF)
For Master (16 years):
NTD Registration Form for Master (16 Year Degree) (PDF)
NTS National Teacher Database Program Schedule
Sr # | Test Date | Advertisement Dates | Last Date of Submission of Registration Form | Provisional Candidates’ list will be uploaded on website | Queries will be entertained till | Roll No. Slip Dispatch Date | Result Announcement Date on NTS Website |
4 | Sunday 16th December 2012 |
Sunday 28th October 2012 |
Monday 19th November 2012 |
Tuesday 27th November 2012 |
Monday 3rd December 2012 |
Thursday 6th December 2012 |
Monday 24th December 2012 |
5 | Sunday 17th March 2013 |
Sunday 27th January 2013 |
Monday 18th February 2013 |
Tuesday 26th February 2013 |
Monday 4th March 2013 |
Thursday 7th March 2013 |
Monday 25th March 2013 |
National Teachers Database Programme (Sample Papers)
How to Attempt NTS National Teacher Database Test
How to Submit Fee for NTS National Teacher Database Program
Result will be displayed here at this page when it will be announced by NTS authorities according to Schedule NTS-NTD.
This Test(National Teacher Database) will provide an opportunity to the teachers for improving their rating every quarter of year. Now teachers can get certification through this National Teachers Database according to their subjects at district Level. Provide better employment opportunities for both fresh and already experienced teachers so far. This Test is also can evaluate teachers according to their skills in relevant subjects on the solid base for improvement of primary and secondary education. both at district and provincial level. The Test Result will be valid till two years so far. NTS-NTD Associates will preferable employ “NTS Certified Teachers”.
For Queries:
For test and test center inquiries and queries related to score reporting, and for other purposes like putting complaints or providing feedback, you may get in touch with NTS on the following contacts:
Email: [email protected]
Headquarter: (Islamabad Office)
96, Street No. 4, Sector H-8/1, Islamabad
Tel: +92-51-9258478-79
Fax: +92-51-9258480
Comment section is there so that you can submit your views about NTS National Teacher Database Program.
architects are eligible for thz test or not??? and wot is the benifit of thz test?
what is the advantages of ntd for an in-service teacher
Dear sir, i had taken 1st nts ntd test in 2011. But i have not recieved my result card yet..
My cnic is 3660324632287
please send my result card as soon as possible
addres: khalid majeed s/o abdul majeed chak no 216/eb po box 216/eb tehsil vehari
my result of joiner clerck to anounnced date session court jhang reply me must
where from we get national teachers database test
My certificat is not issued to me please bring me
The result awaiting students can apply or not?
And what will pe the recruitment procedure?