LUMS Undergraduate Entry Test Date was announced and know you will get the result 2015 on this web site. LUMS open Admission in every year and lot of Students want to get admission in the undergraduate programs the LUMS Strictly follow he Admission criteria so we discuss the Admission criteria for Undergraduate programs the university conceder the Academic background or performance in the Admission test or Submission of a completed application form and supporting document and last one is Interview if the university called.
In LUMS the Admission based on merit and the availability of seats. Applicants who have successfully completed FA/ICS/ICOM/FSC/A’ Level / High School diploma or International Baccalaureate (IB) are eligible to apply for the admission if they fulfill one of the following academic qualifications. Successful completion of Metric 60% marks or above and FA 60% marks or above or FSC/ICS/ICOM 65% marks or above if you done O’ Levels then in at least 6 subject with an average grade of at last C and A’ Levels in at least 3 principal subjects with at least 2 Bs and 1 C grade such that there Should be no more than 1C grade and grade less than a C. No credit will be given for General paper. American School Diploma HCA with 65% or above / Grade point average of B or above. The international Baccalaureate IB at least 28 out of 45 points. If any other equivalent qualification minimum acceptable scores will be determined by the Admission Committee.
Note Applicants who have not taken the final exam of their FA/ICS/FSC/ICM/A’ Levels (in three principle subject ) High School diploma or International Baccalaureate IB as yet and are expecting their final results by August 2015 will be given a conditional offer. Applicants must fulfill one of the following academic qualifications to be considered for a conditional offer.
LUMS Performance TEST
The LUMS University give Admission on performance test The test named LCAT . LCAT is mandatory for all applicants except applicants residing abroad applying to the Suleman Dawood School of Business SDSB the Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences MGSHSS Shaikh Ahmad Hussan School of Law SAHSL
The LCAT for Admission to the fall 2015 semester will be held only once on April 13, 2015 at the designated cities of Pakistan. For more information click here
The LUMS Admission Test Registration will be done through the LUMS online application system. Applicants must successfully submit their complete application and supporting documents on or before stipulated deadline. LUMS admission test result will not be announced as it is only one part of the overall application evaluation process which also includes other academic parameters. Application residing outside Pakistan and currently studying or having completed their last year of Schooling abroad are required to submit official results of the SAT Reasoning Test (SAT I) . Application need to take the SAT reasoning Test SAT I through College Board USA latest by January 25, 2015 in order to be considered for admission. SAT scores must be reported to LUMS officially for the testing agency. The college code for reporting SAT scores to LUMS 0513.
When you Submission of a completed Application form and supporting documents the Applicants must submit complete online application from on or before March 26, 2015Pakistan Standard time.
The deadline to submit all supporting documents along with the proof of payment of Admission Application Processing and Test Registration Fee in ONE Package is March 27, 2015 again Pakistan Standard Time. All information submitted through online application should be supported by the provision of attested copies of relevant transcripts and certificates. Any information will not be considered valid if an attested official proof/document is missing. Documents sent/postmarked after March 27, 2015 will not be processed.
i want to know about test pattern of LGAT,sbasse for MS Electrical Thanx
I want to know the result of bsc management of science 2013 plz send me my mail infoam in net show meplz sir
What’s the merit required to study in lums for engineering
How much marks is required in Fsc for addmission in LUMS??
i want to know the result of managment sciences
i woukd like to know the date of entry test
i want to know the result of undergraduate SBASSE 2014
I would like to know the result of entry test for under graduates
Plzzz tell me about lums test result that when it will be announced…????