if you want to get Karachi University UOK Entrance Test Result and Merit List 2016 then there is no need to go anywhere else just stay in touch with this page and get all the latest updates. Karachi University today is the biggest university in the country. It comprises eight faculties with which all the colleges of the city are affiliated. B.S., M.S., M.Phil and Ph.D. classes under five of these faculties Arts, Science, Pharmacy, Management and Administrative Science and Islamic Learning are conducted on the campus, while under the Faculties of Medicine, law and Education it examines the students admitted to their affiliated colleges. The University of Karachi is a public research university located in the neighborhood of Gulshan-e-Iqbal of Karachi; Sindh, Pakistan. University of Karachi has high qualified staff and has lots of experience in his hand. Every professor tries to teach them with examples from which student’s takes interest more and success in his study lives. This University also has large area of lands where thousands of students read and become businessman and teacher etc.
Karachi University UOK Entrance Test Result and Merit List 2016
University of Karachi (UoK) is going to announce the entrance test result and you can see your great marks and name in list that is given on this page. If you want to know about entry test and merit list to taking admission in UoK then you must be keep in touch with this page. This is only way to take admission in University of Karachi because it is basic rule to getting admission in your desire field of education. If you want to carry your study then you should pass the entry test since it is only way to fulfill the requirements to take admission in University of Karachi 2016. It is leading University in Sindh where students come and take admission in relevant programs and where interest feel. There are many programs introducing at this year where students take admission very easily. Some of them are listed below ad you can choose right way of career.
Karachi University UOK Merit List 2016
University of Karachi (UOK) will announce the merit list after the completion of Entry test 2016. You will see his name on this merit list which will be uploaded here when officially announced by University of Karachi. Students have no more time to submission the fee in administration departments because 2 or 3 days time after the merit list to pay the fee. So students must be keeping in mind this point to join the classes in Universities of Karachi 2016.
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pharm d entry test k.u ka result kab ayga?