Getting into the school starts with a temporary admission, which depends on a test or interview. This admission becomes confirmed only after considering the board results and the marks percentage, as per the Burn Hall Rules. For those eyeing Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering, or Science General streams, they must bag at least 80% in Computer GP. Meanwhile, As Level students need an A Grade in Science Subjects and Math, plus a minimum of a B Grade in Social Sciences during their O Level Exams. This ensures students meet the required standards for admission into the various academic programs.
How to Apply for Army Burn Hall College Admission
Athletes don’t have to bring down their academic grades to get into the school. When they’re picked during the selection interview, we prefer those who have played sports at the national or provincial level, like Football, Hockey, Cricket, and Basketball. Athletes selected based on this get a scholarship that helps with tuition and/or boarding fees.
Once all the paperwork for joining is done, classes will start right away. Students won’t have to wait for exam results before they begin. Also, there are two important dates mentioned in the document for handing in the application forms. For those applying for the 1st Year, the deadline to submit forms with a fee of Rs. 5000/- is April 8th, 2025. For As Level applicants using a downloaded form and paying a fee of Rs. 5300/-, the deadline is June 3rd, 2025.