EPA Recruitment NTS Test Form Submission Date 2014 EPA Recruitment NTS Test Form Submission Date 2014 and all the information are available about this admission and test of Environmental Protection Agency. Applications are invited from suitable candidates for appointment, on the basis of contract in Environment Protection Agency.Here you will get all the information about this Recruitment test and application submission process. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency has been established under section of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997. Basic fictions of EPA are to prepare or revise, and establish the National Environment Quality Standard with approval of the Council; take measure to promote research and the development of science and technology.So now you can apply in EPA for Assistant BS-14, inspector BS 13 and Junior Clerk BS 07 , Qualification for every post is different and age limit also you can see all this information in the advertisement given here and also in this post we have described all the information and details. Candidates want to apply must be domiciled in Punjab, so give the entry test and get registerd to give entry test for the given posts.
Click Here to Get Application Form
Last date to apply: Monday, 14 July, 2014
Test date: Sunday, 10th August 2014
EPA Recruitment NTS Test Form Submission Date 2014
All you have to do is Download the application form from here and send it to National Testing Service According according to the schedule given in this post.You can apply for this job latest by Monday, 14 July, 2014 after that you will not be able to apply. After that selected candidates will be called for the interview and candidates shall present original documents, along with a set of attested copies of all the relevant documents , at the time of interview.candidates are informed that incomplete or application carrying out incorrect information shall not be accepted at all. last date to submit you application is 14, July, 2014. Keep Visiting to get more information from here
1 Comment
when will be the result of EPA Recurritment test forn the post of inspector environment?????