Actually Curriculum Vitae or CV is an documents written by one about own self in their own Language. It is very easy to describe gestures & postures of other persons but on the other hand It is very much difficult to describe your personality in your own words indeed.But if you are fresh graduate and want to get Job than you have to give an detailed description about your personality to your immediate Boss and to whom who is responsible for your Recruitment. Curriculum Vitae writing is an art which actually ponder upon how easily and effectively you can describe yourself. It is also an important document so that you can Market your Skills before your Recruiters. So every one either he/she is fresh graduate or experienced one must have skills to produce such Curriculum Vitae which actually attracted both in look as well as is in writing point of view.
Professional document one need when he/she feels that they should apply for Job after getting sufficient education from School Level till senior Level. But we are not here to describe that education life of Students. what is curriculum vitae is normally a question raised when actually one have to create that kind of document necessary to represents for getting a Job. Job Seekers always try to make their document as formal as they can. S0me of them also find ways to develop their CV from any one else(specialist). But one who wants to get Job can describe more in their own words rather than anyone else.
Normally people confuse Curriculum Vitae with Resume. Actually the primary difference between Curriculum Vitae and resume is only Length. A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. If we go in detail than resume is brief and concise form of your introduction not more than one or two pages. In contrast Curriculum Vitae is a longer form of your introduction not less than two pages. If we said that Curriculum Vitae (CV) is detailed synopsis of your Personality than it is not an false statement. A curriculum vitae includes a detailed summary of your;-
- Educational Background
- Academic Backgrounds
- Teaching Experience
- Research experience
- Publications if have
- Presentations during Academic/professional life
- Awards
- Honors
- Affiliations
In Europe, the Middle East, Africa, or Asia, employers(who hires) always expect to receive a curriculum vitae. On the other hand In the United States, a curriculum vitae or CV is used as basic document when applying for
- academic
- education
- scientific or research positions
It is also applicable when applying for fellowships or grants in USA only.
So, i think who visits this page to get an answer about What is Curriculum Vitae? surely they have answer know but if you still feel any query about CV than your can share with us through below given comment section.
it is very nice
Highly understandable article.Thank u so much. I tnink it will help student