Students can check Taleem e Niswan Essay In Urdu. It is compulsory to get benefits from education for both Man and Woman. Man and woman are the two parallel wheels of a vehicle. If both wheels don’t work properly then it cannot reach its destination. The world is incomplete without education, especially with women education. An educated woman can help to educate the entire nation. The literacy rate has a direct relationship with the progress of a country. Those countries that are facing backwardness have a low literacy rate. One cannot recognize Allah without education and cannot do any work on this earth correctly. In every era, it needs education and training. Likewise, no one can deny the importance and benefits of education in the latest world. Women education has a special place in society. It is compulsory to educate women if you want an educated nation. No nation can progress until their women start working equally with men. Islam has not discrimination between men and women in acquiring knowledge like other walk of life. Prophet (P.B.U.H) Said:
“Seeking Knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim (Male and female)”.
Taleem e Niswan Essay In Urdu
One cannot deny the importance of Women Education as it is the most important factor for prosperity. The prosperity can be achieved through education including women education.
It is a reality that learning and training started after birth from Mother’s voiceless and remain till last breath. A mother can provide a good education and training to her child. If education contains the love, care and affection of mother than education become easier and effective. There is a woman behind every successful man either she is the mother of Sikandar-e-Azam or the mother of Shiwa G. It is said that “the Hands that rock the cradle, rule the World”
“You Educate a Man,
You Educate a Man…
You Educate a Women,
You Educate a Generation!!!”
The works of history strengthen this phrase. Today when we look at the world than we come to know that how the world is facing a revolution. It is true that a woman can perform multi characters in her life. Sometimes she is a mother and sometimes she is a daughter and in every character her duties became different. It is compulsory to educate for a woman to perform these all characters. If a woman is illiterate than she converts a home into hell. Therefore it is compulsory to get an education for women like men. In our era whatever the problems are taking place are the symptoms that there is some negligence in education and training. Therefore every woman should get an education because religion gives freedom to get an education in limits. Today’s world can get success in every walk of life by staying in limits.
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