If you want to get information about Essay On Youm E Difa Pakistan In Urdu than yes you are at right place. This day is celebrating in every year on 6th of September I Pakistan, you can see flag hoisting, Parade, Military exhibitions, awards ceremonies on this day by the Pakistan Army. Youm E Difa day is one of popular day of Pakistan defense and on this day all TV channel are playing Patriotic songs and different country patriotic speeches. If we discuss history of the day than we known in 1965 Pakistan was took war against India and after few days Pakistan was won this war against India. Reason of the war was Indian army because that time they were thinking Pakistan military is weak but result of the war is totally different. Indian army was attached on Lahore, Sialkot and different country areas but Pakistan army defend was very strong our army officers are given their life and save Pakistan country.
Youm E Difa Pakistan heroes name is Major Raja Aziz Bhatti, Major Shabbir Sharif, Mhammad Akram, Sawar Muhammad Hussain, Lance Naik Mehdooz and many more and according to Pakistan nation these current day we also have those soldiers who are protecting Pakistan country. Now in below side get Essay On Youm E Difa Pakistan In Urdu.
Essay On Youm E Difa Pakistan In Urdu
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