Here are some Best Architecture Universities in Pakistan are listed along with little bit history in serving the education sector in Pakistan.Architecture engineering is not that much common when it comes to the engineering in Pakistan but still it is very much high paid and very much beneficial degree in Engineering in Pakistan. The students are not aware regarding the fact that although there are so many universities which are offering this engineering degree but amongst which few are those which are highly known specially for architecture engineering. Here is the guide line for such people to get aware of regarding the top 5 universities which are offering and are renowned for the Architecture Engineering in Pakistan.
Best Architecture Universities in Pakistan
1. UET: University if engineering and Technology, Lahore is one of the best engineering university of Pakistan and which have made themselves the sole leader when it comes to the engineering department. So there is no shocking aspect if we see UET on the top of our list of the best universities which are distinguished for Architecture Engineering.
2. NED: NED University of engineering and technology, Karachi is also one big name and a big brand ambassador of the engineering in Pakistan and that is why they have made themselves the ultimate leader in the engineering sector. When it comes to Architecture engineering, NED has made itself highly preferred and equipped in this regard and that is why it is on the second position in our list of 5 top universities offering architecture engineering in Pakistan.
3. Punjab University: Punjab University which is the largest university of Asia has made its impact on various diversified fields of education and that is why they have also specialized themselves in the engineering department. Students to rate this university as one of the best university in Pakistan which are eligible to provide high quality and significant education of architecture engineering and are capable of producing one of the best architects in the country.
4. NCA: National College of Arts is the university which is highly known and renowned for their versatility and uniqueness in the quality and standards of education. They have made themselves the leader in the education of Arts, and that is why they have the potential and competent of making the best architect in the country.
5. COMSAT: Another university which belongs to the private educational institution is a well reputed and highly desirable university for the students. Although the university is new as compared to the other top universities but still they have made themselves highly competent and admirable when it comes to the architect engineering in Pakistan.
Alhamdulillah proud to be a student of architectural engineering by choice at top univerisity UET Lahore. every one must apply, it really a great field Masha Allah.
plz tell me is uet is best for architecture as compared to
NCA, NUST and comsats
plz tell me about the syllabus of uet entry test for arch engineering
ASSLAAM O ALAIKUM brothers…..,, I done something straing…. i have achieve the DIPLOMA of the CIVIL DRAFTSMAN(2 years) with F.A.,,,, Now i m confuse that what can i do for improve my this field.. i love this field… so for ALLAH’BLESS give me the instructions for this field……you can tell me at my number….03006942817
ASSLAAM O ALAIKUM brothers…..,, I done something strang…. i have achieve the DIPLOMAA of the CIVIL DRAFTSMAN(2 years) with F.A.,,,, Now i m confuse that what can i do for improve my this field.. i love this field… so for ALLAH’BLESS give me the instructions for this field……you can tell me at my number….03006942817
I have completed DAE in Architecture now where can I get admission easily plzz reply me quick
The buitems uni in Quetta Balochitan also offer architecture study course in pakistan and it will be ragistered in 2014 when the first batch will pass out.
Student of arci in Buitems
hi brother …. i just cleared fsc so i want to join architecture in buitems .. can u provide me some info about admision and requirments i will be very thankful to you … thanks
hey i am qualified dae in architecture so i want information of architecture universties so plzzz help me