Punjab Police Constable jobs NTS 6th April 2014 Test Roll No Slips Online all details is available on this page so read it. Punjab Police Constable jobs announce by the officials and NTS test held on 6th April 2014. Application require for the dynamic and energetic persons.NTS Application Form is available on NTS website the candidates should take NTS entry test for this job. Punjab police requires to the self motivated employee the candidates should have high education and talented and should be result oriented for the job of Punjab Police Constable. The candidates should have Bachelor degree. The candidates send your application along with all educational documents CNIC, NOC, Domicile, and passport size photographs before the due date. The candidates who are waiting for the result can also be applying. The interested candidates who are eligible for the job and meeting above criteria are require they should registered themselves with the National Testing Service (NTS) . NTS test application form and registration form is available at NTS website. You should fill online registration form. All eligible candidates are require to the deposit test fee of RS 800/ through the prescribed deposit slip at any online branch of HBL, MCB, UBL, or ABL. On this stage we want to say must remember Test date that is 6th April 2014.
Punjab Police Constable jobs NTS 6th April 2014 Test Roll No Slips Online
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5. Yellow
Punjab Police Constable jobs NTS Test Result are announced on 6th April 2014 just click on below blue color click and get your result:
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If you want Punjab Police Constable Job Interview Date Then Click Below Link.
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The candidates should fill the NTS application forms online and attach with attested copies of CNIC, Domiciles and all educational documents and 3 Photographs and original NTS copy of deposit slip. The candidates should have maximum height 5 feet 7 inch. If students fail in the NTS will not be eligible for the interview. only short listed candidates will call for interview. The Government will not pay TA/DA to the students who will come for interview. The candidates who fail in the medical test will not eligible for the constable jobs. The job is totally on contract basis and after 1 year the contract will be regularized. So if you are interested for the job then registered yourself for NTs before the 6th April 2014.
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