Finally after a long wait UET Lahore BSc Engineering Admission and UET Lahore Entry(entrance) Test 2012 is finalized and UET Lahore BSc Engineering Admissions Complete Information is also available here at this page in further writing. After the admission open for Undergraduates Admission for Engineering In Pakistan Universities. All universities finally announces the date of Entrance Test, last date of form submission, UET Test Examination center information. University of Engineering and Technology Lahore complete Schedule with the Result date and Admission criteria is given here. This year the Entry test of UET Lahore is combined Test and more information is available here.
This Time UET Lahore decided to take the entry test for both BSc Engineering and BSc Technology Programs for the sake of Students. As per History reminds us that UET Lahore is always caring for the Students as well as for their Future so far, But Last year UET Lahore have to face the embarrassment of students and their parents as well. Actually Last year the whole processing and other proceedings other than Undergraduates admission going with the same phases but on just Result day Management Cancel the Entry Test beacuse after inquiring about the Test Theft Cases. Actually Some Students use un fair means to get the Test before the Actual test Date and this was the first time that UET Lahore have to face the things like this and UET Lahore also ensure that it will not be repeated in next Entrance Tests. This is an confidential Document and we will make this secret before the test in any Case. It is our responsibility to keep secret this paper ever before the Actual test date that is 16 September 2012 according to this year test date.
UET Lahore Entry Test 2012
This will be an Combined entry test for the BSc Engineering and BSc Technology in the same Entry Test Center. All Candidates are liable to give their Entry test at the same Entry test in which they already apply and It is also possible that Candidates who will apply for the Entry test in UET Lahore at GT Road Lahore will be send to new campus for the entrance test exams. The details is available here in below given Advertisement. For the sake of Students understanding we provides a detailed Lists documents require for the UET Lahore Entry Test 2012 and separate Entry Test Admission advertisement in Both English and Urdu language.
So get the details of admissions and Entry Test 2012 at the same Page here in below given Advertisement issued by the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore in the month of August and September is the month of UET Lahore Entrance Test. Millions of Students apply for the Test Every year but only some of them get success in getting the admission in these Programs for which UET Lahore Advertisements. So for Further information about UET Lahore Entry Test 2012 get in touch with us through and sumbiit your queries here at this below given comment Section.
sir ye jo dae h. is kaley merit kha ho ga plz