There are various reasons for which a customer felt the need to deactivate his/ her PTCL broadband internet connection. But many of us are not aware about how to deactivate PTCL broadband connection telephone line procedure. Well it’s a very simple and easy procedure if you adopt as written by the company while in case someone acquire the incorrect way to remove PTCL connection the connection will not be removed and the billing charges will be continuously applies on each month bill. PTCL has maintained a very reasonable system to avail and disconnect a connection which is written here in this post along with the PTCL disconnection application format. Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is providing the fastest and the reliable internet DSL technology with lowest rates and now it has brought the fiber lines that has make possible to provide fastest and bullet speed internet at any area. Sometimes in some areas the mainlines are not transferred into the fiber technologies or the services are not properly installed yet due to a large number of covering areas that’s why the internet is not currently working properly but the company is rapidly working to resolve all these issues and to make it sure to provide the best internet speed.
How To Deactivate PTCL Broadband Connection Telephone Line Procedure
Disconnection Procedure
- Take a simple white page and write your application according to the PTCL disconnection application format given below
- Bring your PTCL broadband modem/ or EVO device along with your application
- Photocopy of last month PTCL’s DSL paid bill
You have to bring these three things at your area’s PTCL office (One Stop Shop) and tell officers about your disconnection of connection and submit application, device and last paid bill. Generally it takes 24 to 48 hours to disconnect a DSL connection. In case you have to ungently disconnect your connection you have to mention it in your form and said to the officer there at OSS office for urgent disconnection. After your application for PTCL DSL disconnection is submitted, the next month’s bill will include all the charges for the connection after the days of disconnection and once you have paid all these charges the further billing will be stop arriving at your address.
Note: In case your modem or device has damaged or lost the company will charge its basic charges and that will be included in your last bill to clear all PTCL’s dues.
Ptcl Disconnection Application Format
So this is all about how to deactivate PTCL broad band connection telephone line procedure. Hope you are understand all this procedure, but in case you have any further question or query in your mind you can ask your question via comment box below of this passage relating to PTCL DSL disconnect procedure.
Hi Sir…..I submitted the application for PTCL broadband deactivation and payed bill with all documents for Dec month in Jan. Also paid the all charges after deactivation for Jan month in Feb….But still broadband charges are involved in bill for Feb month which i have to pay in March…..I visited OSS but the OSS officer did not forwarded mine request to the head office….Is there any way to direct contact to main office??
Hi sir
My Name is Umar and i was Using PTCL in Karachi but for some emergency reason i have to move to Peshawar and i didn,t Deactivate my PTCL line What i can do Could you please Guide me can i deactivate it from Peshawar i have brought the Broadband here in Peshawar and i will clear all bills required
yeah it is very simple bro, just download your current bill from ptcl duplicate bill, paid it, and carry it to the concern ptcl office in peshawar with CNIC Copy your ptcl land line will be deactivated immediatly.
ok. bro Allah Bless You