Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund Scholarship 2025 form Online, Last Date details are available is a page so read all given information for this scholarship. Punjab government is offering Benevolent fund for all Punjab government servants either they are retired or in service. Through this scholarship, eligible applicants will get their children educational funds that are allocated by the government of Punjab. Here we want to mention that the procedure will continue through your government department and after a few months your check will issue to your department and you or your child can collect it. No doubt, it is a very great opportunity for the govt employees but the eligibility criteria are very tough.
Servants Benevolent Fund Scholarship 2025
Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund Scholarship 2025 has released. Through this program, only government employees will be able to get the funds as per their rank and BPS as well as the duty nature, service duration and age will also affects a lot on making your fund mature.
If you are a government servant and retire government servant then you can get Servants Benevolent Fund Scholarship 2025 only for your two children. Your children Matric number must be above to 60% or other condition is your children last class result number percentage is must be based on above to 60% marks. That government employs who are died or retired due to disability their children can apply in Punjab government servants benevolent funds and their total three children can apply if they fulfill eligibility criteria that are based on above to 60% marks.
Educational Scholarships:
Current rates for the award of Educational Scholarship granted to the children of government servants per annum are as follows:
Gazetted (Part-I)
PKR 5,000 | |
PKR 14,000 | |
PKR 16,000 |
Non-Gazetted (Part-II)
PKR 1,500 | |
PKR 3,000 | |
PKR 6,000 |
Download Application Form
So these are the details about Punjab Government servants benevolent fund scholarship 2025 form last date and advertisement are all available here. Hope you have obtained all the relevant details about it. But in case of any further queries or information, you can leave your comment in the following commenting section.