Here we have updated the custom duty rates in Pakistan 2025 chart on import and export business is available online at this page. As per this chart, Average duty rates are 20.67% except for some electronic goods which are duty-free. FBR has announced Custom Duty on Car Import and Export, Custom duty on alcohol, Tobacco products, and others. This custom duty is applicable to both goods that are being produced and manufactured in Pakistan and Goods imported into Pakistan. This Custom duty is being imposed by the Pakistan Custom (FBR) which is considered as the guardian of the Pakistan borders against moveability of contraband facilitators and goods of bona fide trade. This is one of the major sources of Income for government in the form of taxes which are being generated through trades on borders.
Custom Duty Rates In Pakistan 2025 Chart On Import And Export Business
Ministry of Finance, economic affairs government of Pakistan has imposed the custom duty on import and exports. Federal Board of Revenue FBR has announced Custom duty slabs for import and exports. The ratio of the tax has been defied for the private and commercial firms.
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Like Cars, custom duty is being imposed on international tobacco products. Likewise, those people who are importing or exporting electronic products for business purpose also have to pay custom duty on their every transaction across the border. There is a fixed limit which should not exceed if a person doesn’t want to pay customs duty in Pakistan. So here you can check Custom Duty Rates In Pakistan 2025 Chart On Import And Export Business.
Custom Duty Rates In Pakistan 2025 On Import And Export has disclosed by the Federal Board of Revenue FBR. FBR has decided the rate of tax that a person has to pay on a specific amount of good and services that he is trading across the border. The purpose of imposing custom duty is to promote domestic industry and also to discourage the consumption of goods that are being imported from abroad. All the custom duties are being charged under custom act 1969 which was recently amended on 30th June 2017.