Get ready to learn about some of the exciting and best ways out as through which you would be able to remove all packages from Ufone sim. You can never remove all the packages from Ufone sim through just one click as you do need to remove all the methods one by one by dialing it. Ufone does bring about different kinds of packages for its customers where it does offer with the SMS packages as well as calling, international calling, internet, block service, plus the info service and so many more packages as well. Ufone has been named out to be one of the well known and best cellular networks in Pakistan that is coming up with much of the huge sum of popularity in giving out the improved and best lowest rates of packages for the customers. scroll down this page now to get method about how to remove all packages from Ufone sim SMS, Calls and Internet packages.
Therefore, all through this piece of article, we would be coming out with the discussion of some of the important packages of Ufone which you want to remove off.
How to Remove All Packages From Ufone Sim
Method to How to Remove All Packages From Ufone Sim:
- If you do not want to make the use of yearly SMS package then you can get it all removed by writing “Unsub” and send to the “8601?.
- Uth SMS FnF Package can be removed as by dialing “Unsub” and send to the “8604?.
- You can get removed with the Uth Daily SMS Package by writing “Unsub” and send to the “506?.
- You can remove the weekly SMS package as by dialing “Unsub” and send to the “8066?.
- Daily On-Net SMS Package can be deactivated by dialing “Unsub” and send to the “8611?
- You can remove this service from night SMS package as by dialing “Unsub” and send to the “8609?.
- Daily SMS package can be removed by dialing “Unsub” and send to the “605?.
- If you want to unsubscribe or deactivate Ufone number blocking service, you can write “unsub” and send it to 420
- You can deactivate this package of Utune service package as by dialing “UNSUB” and send it to 666.
- You can activate Call Waiting for the offer by dialing *43# and deactivate Call Waiting service by dialing #43#.
Ufone SMS Packages
Ufone Call Packages
Ufone Internet Packages
We hope that you are all now well aware of how to remove all packages from Ufone sim. This post would have come about to be much information for you in respect with learning that how you can remove the package from Ufone sim. We did not find any of the method as intricate to carry out and you can easily make it perform. So which one of the package you want to remove off from your Ufone sim?
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How to unsubscribe ufone collect call?