Jazz is offering various packages to Jazz users. Due to the diversity of packages, a consumer always tries to switch to other packages to explore better services. Jazz package check code complete procedure is given on this website for those Jazz users who want to check their My Jazz current package. We have also given the procedure for How to change the Current Jazz Package procedure is also given so that you can enjoy the best services which are according to your needs.
How to Check Jazz Package Status
On this website, you will find a method for checking the activated package on your Jazz sim. You can send an empty message at 3838 in order to know your activated packages on Jazz. If you want to change your Jazz Package then you can also change it after checking from the following methods.
There are two procedures through which you can check which package is activated on your Jazz. Both these procedures are very simple and user-friendly. The first Procedure is through SMS and the other is through Call. So check this procedure given below.
A customer needs to send an Empty message on 3838 to check the activated package on his sim. After that, he will receive a message containing the name of your activated package.
By Helpline or Call:
A customer has also the option to check his package through a jazz helpline call. To check through call, you can dial 111. Now you have two options after selecting the language, you can follow the activated package procedure or you can simply dial 0 and ask a customer care representative about the activated package. He/she will send you a message which will contain all the details about the packages on your sim card which are currently activated.
Discover Affordable Jazz Internet Packages
Moreover, jazz is offering some services that are only for some special types of packages. Before activating this offer, you must know whether your package supports that offer or not. So this is the complete procedure of how to check the Jazz package. You can follow these two procedures and can check your desired information about your Jazz sim.
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