Business education has been one of the leading and well-growing education fields in the past 2 decades. The main reason behind this shift is that people are less willing to do the job or they consider that their survival in the job will be difficult as compared to their own business. For that very purpose people all over the globe especially the people of Pakistan have indulged themselves in business education which includes a Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) and Master in Business Administration (MBA). BBA Honors have a tenure of four years while the MBA tenure varies and comprises 1.5, 2, and 3.5 years respectively.
The scope in Pakistan is very much bright and vast when it comes to business education. A business graduate and postgraduates have several and numerous fields in which they can penetrate and groom their career. The very common and most followed career and scope in business education is that the individual can start his own business and has the probability of making it successful also this is because he has the bookish knowledge and the know-how regarding all the basic techniques and strategies that might play the vital role in making any respective business successful.
There are several fields of specialization in business education which mainly include Marketing, Human Resource Management, and Finance, the individual who has done his bachelor’s or masters in Finance has a very bright and charming career in the banking sector of Pakistan. The banking sector is one of the leading and stable organizations and sectors, especially in Pakistan, so the finance graduate has a brighter scope in the banking sector.
The graduates in Human Resource Management has the most groomed and fascinating scope in the HR consultancy firms and even in the Training and Development section. The candidate can be a part of any consultancy firm in which training is being carried down or at the same time he or can run his or her own consultancy firm. Being a part of an external recruiting organization is also very common practice in Pakistan While the one who has done bachelor’s in Marketing has the most creative and exciting scope and career in any of the advertising agencies. It is again the same as HR that the individual can either join any advertising agency or at the same he might make and run his or her own advertising agency. Today in Pakistan such marketing and advertising agencies are earning money like nothing else is doing. The students who have accomplished their specialization in Marketing can enhance their exposure by joining any advertising agency, or can start their own marketing firm and even can be hired at good packages due to their need in the market and the scope of their work
1 Comment
BBA plays a sole role in all organization. But it should be in good grading.