NTS MCB recruitment test result declared on 15December 2013 with Candidates list here you can get the information about the MCB recruitment test the MCB provide the jobs for the people the job primary responsibilities is to provide support to the branch by the managing core branch function with effectively and also serving the high banking services with following the stand of the MCB bank policy that is pure design for the MCB clients. The GBO job in MCB have strong Eligibility Criteria the candidate must have Graduation degree and the candidate must fall on the age criteria that is 25 years . those candidate who clear the exam they appear in interview . the test result are announced on this website 15th December 2013 you can easily get the result on this page here you cannot face any difficulties regarding the getting result of this test as compare to other educational portal so keep in touch and get the NTS MCB recruitment test result on 15 December 2013 with candidates list.
MCB provide the best banking facilities through the well trend MCB staff so that is the reason they focus on the Staff the bank have best services structure. That the reason lot of people appears on NTS MCB recruitment test. MCB is the leading bank of the Pakistan with more than 60 years of the experience. MCB is the first bank who launches Globule deposit in 2006 and the bank is reputed as one of the sound financial institution. Those people who appear on this test they want get result the simply add the CNIC number on following block that show on the page. MCB conduct all the test through the NTS service that is established in 2002.so we give you NTS MCB recruitment test result that is announced on the 15th December the result will available on this page on Sunday simply you put the CNIC number and get the result list. On this educational portal you get the all result without any trouble so keep in touch and get the results.
kindely tell me nts test result 15th december 2013???
Mr,tooper and every one MCB has been announced you may check by following link:
Hi WhEn MCb NTS wll ANOUNcEd … RESUlT 4 tHE pOST OF gBo ..KInDlY iN4M mE
Assalam o Alikam to all, kindly tell me when the GBO test result of mcb announced, or any concerned information, please. #0300-7027310
MCB jobs ki interview list kb show ho g………………..
Iqra sahba!
Mcb ne to mujai sms kr k notify kia hai . Kia aap ko koi sms ni mila? Interview is on 6 jan 2014.
Salam to everyone..sir we give tests for jobs in banking sector but confused about thier results declaration.plz anyone who provide me about Mcb nts test result(GBO) Held on 15 dec,2013..i think that i will be test topper..my roll numbr is 600099,and contct no. Is 03449325895.THANKS TO ALL AND SPECIALLY TO MCB RECRUITMENT STAFF
Assalam o Alikam to all, kindly send me any informartion about the result of recruitment test held on 15th decemberm, 2013,
When were the result announced????