Pakistan is amongst those countries in the world which have the highest rate of corruptions and disloyalty. This is the main cause for which Pakistan is still considered to be amongst the third world countries even after 60 years of independence. Corruption is the biggest curse which is being imposed in Pakistan and that is not the fact that it is in any significant sector or administration, but unfortunately every person is seeking to extract their won advantage form any cause. And that is what the real definition of corruption is, that through which one drive their benefits and advantages which ultimately has an adverse impact on the national interest of the state and at the same time reduces the opportunities of growth and advancement for any state.
Proper check and balance should be imposed in the state at every level so that the corruption can be identified and can be brought to justice. The first thing which should be done in this cause is to make independent bodies which should look after such cases and processes. Pakistan does have an institution known as National Accountability Bureau which is known as NAB, but the biggest curse on the state is that NAB is never being made independent, as any government which takes up the hold in the state either democratically or even dictatorship takes the first decision of changing the chairman of NAB and placing such a person on the designation which is their loyal follower or supporter so that they should poke their heads in such cases. When the people are being ensured that there are no checks and balance and no fair looking after then the people get the complete freedom, then there is nothing which can control the corruption in the state. NAB should be independent with no involvement of nay political institution in it, this fair check and balance will surely play a vital role in controlling the corruption.
Secondly the law and order situation which is even worse in state should be brought under control, because reports have stated that in the national securities and agencies the rate of corruption is being recorded as the highest, so until or unless the law enforcement agencies will not get purified from this unethical activity the justice cannot be brought to the culprits and the guilty. Above all the people and the national of Pakistan should stand themselves against corruption and should play their own part and role individually to stop and eliminate this practice from their procedures, because Pakistan cannot grow and neither can be included in the list of developed countries until or unless the corruption in the state is not just reduced but should be eliminated.
In fact, the nation of Pakistan need reformers while there have been too much of politics by corrupt politicians. Emergence of a Reformer will usher the country in to culture of merit; ultimately training masses to embrance character and cuture of fairplay.
That’s nice speech
thanks.i need this explanation so much.