Here we will discuss that how to approve Google Adsense account in Pakistan? These days, making Google Adsense is very common in the Pakistan, people approve Google Adsense accounts through different sources. Most people create a Google Adsense account through third party websites and then they sell such accounts to the non professional bloggers. We would like to mention that buying and selling of Google Adsense accounts in very common in the whole world. After some time that buying account is banned. Your whole effort money and authority goes in the dustbin. Now the question is that how person approve Google Adsense account in Pakistan? It’s very simple if you know the some of the right steps. For this purpose, we are sharing few right steps in order to approve Google Adsense account in Pakistan.
How To Approve Google Adsense Account In Pakistan easy steps
The most important tip in order to approve Google Adsense account in Pakistan is that person should buy his own top level domain and best web hosting service. Domain shoud be on your own Name.Where you can install a WordPress open source blog. You domain age more than 6 (six) before applying the Google Adsense account in Pakistan. Your website is publicly launched not under construction Page appear.
Site Topic:
Second most important thing for a Pakistani / Indian blogger chose the niche/topic on which you can get international traffic not only from Asian countries because google love their advertisers. In Pakistan not much amount of advertisers.Google Love those blogs their most of traffic most European countries or USA, Canada, Australia. Don’t choose the Local entertainment topic.
You can provide Quality content to your blog. Your Quality of content is the your main key of success. You can write minimum 70 to 80 articles try to focus on Quality not on Quantity. You can write only one article per day but give the right information to the users where they can stay and give some good comments about your content. You article minimum length more then 400 words.
Blog appearance and Pages:
Create some of important pages for your blog like contact us , privacy and about us page. Through these Pages show your authority and increase the trust level of your visitors. in order to approve Google Adsense account in Pakistan is that person should make sure that his blog should be neat and clean. His blog should be easy to find the best navigation system. We would like to mention that recently Google has banned various Pakistani bloggers accounts because of not providing user experience.
Submit in Search engine:
Submit your blog in google webmaster tool and make your site map. Though which google search crawler properly crawl your site, submit your site link in the Google search engine database. If your links are submitted in google search engine then you can generate traffic through the search engine. Submit your site not only google webmaster tool but also submit in Yahoo and Bing also.
You can increase your site traffic more than 300 unique visitors per day. If you have the good traffic then you are benefiting for google other vise can’t approve your account due to less traffic. For generating traffic you can implement SEO methods and improve your site Ranking in search engine. You can promote your Blog on social media like Facebook, Twitter. But try to generate maximum natural traffic through search engine
Account Banned Before:
Another important factor for a Google Adsense account is that person should not create his Google Adsense account before through third party websites or own name blog. If you Banned before then don’t try again. Try to submit your application with your any other family member name.
Account applying:
When you apply for Google Adsense in Pakistan then you can submit the valid complete information
- Street Address (including house number, street name/number, flat/apartment number)
- City / Town
- State / Area
- Zip Code
- Country / Territory
Give the email address through which you can enter in Google Adsense account.
You can give the right url of your site and have ownership to edit html files and submit google Adsense ad code in your site.
On the whole after discussing that how to approve Google Adsense account in Pakistan it is easy to conclude that you make your blog and create a Google Adsense account then you should follow the above mentioned steps and get the google account and start your handsome earning at home. These tips are very helpful and best for approving the Google Adsense account in Pakistan.
If you have any more Question related how to approve google Adsense account in Pakistan then leave your comment below.
i can’t understand how to make money from adsense
First of all thank you for this benificial sharing with us 🙂
Secondly I have little bit query for you ?
If our blog or site meet with above criteria then Google will approve our adsense application ?
I want conformation before applying it.
Thank once again !!
Please take a look at my site …. Is it perfect ?… or there are some things to do in it…To get an adsens account?
try to increase your site traffic.
service not available in pakistan
now what to do