Through this page we are sharing List of International NGOS Working in Pakistan so read further details that is collected by Pakistan different official’s sources. NGO means non-governmental organization that is not working under the supervision of government and here we want to mention NGOs is non profitable organizations that are providing different activities that are called welfare activities. According to my research few numbers of NGOs is funded by government but this is a reality 99% NGOs is running by private volunteer’s organization or group of people. In Pakistan different NGOs is working with different objective like few numbers of NGOs is wants to achieve political target, Religion Target or welfare target.
List Of International NGOS Working In Pakistan
- World Vision International
- Wetlands International
- World Bank/International Monetary Fund
- World Conservation Union
- World Monuments Fund
- International Development Enterprises
- International Organization for Sustainable Development
- International Republican Institute
- Heart to Heart International
- Heifer Project International
- Childreach International
- Conservation International
In below side all NGOs name is list down that is working in Pakistan:
- Academy for Educational Development
- ActionAid
- Adventist Development and Relief Agency Pakistan
- AFS Intercultural Exchanges
- Himalaya Foundation
- Arab-Pakistani Fund
- Asian Human Rights Development Organization
- Association for the Development of Pakistan
- Aurat Foundation
- Aga Khan Rural Support ProgrammeBedari
- Braille Without Borders
- Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association
- CARE Pakistan
- Caritas Pakistan
- Carter Center
- Childreach International
- Chiltan Adventurers Association Balochistan
- William J. Clinton Foundation
- CMKP Pakistan
- Conservation International
- Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan
- Darul Sukun
- David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Edhi Foundation
- Environmental Defense
- Environmental Investigation Agency
- Faiz Foundation for Pakistan
- Family Health International
- Fatima Jinnah Trust
- Fatma Welfare Foundation
- Fauna and Flora International
- Ford Foundation
- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
- Friends of Pakistan
- Friends of the Earth Pakistan
- Habib Jalib Institute for Social Development
- Habitat for Humanity International
- Health Unlimited
- Heart to Heart International
- Heifer Project International
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Hope International
- Humanity First
- Idara-e-Amn-o-Insaf
- Institute for Sustainable Communities
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- International Development Enterprises
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
- International Fund for Animal Welfare
- International Organization for Sustainable Development
- International Republican Institute
- Islamic Relief
- iDonate (NGO)
- Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre
- Mennonite Central Committee
- MKR Foundation
- Muslim Charity
- Muslim Hands
- Muslim World League
- Médecins du Monde
- Médecins Sans Frontières
- Minhaj Welfare Foundation
- Pacific Environment
- Pact
- PAK Education Society/Pakistan Development Network
- Pakistan Cave Research & Caving Federation
- EPA Pakistan
- Pakistan Heart Foundation
- Phelex Foundation
- PlaNet Finance
- Plan International
- Population Services International
- Prevention of Blindness Trust
- Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
- Project Hope
- ProLiteracy Worldwide
- The Asia Foundation
- The Citizens Foundation
- The Fred Hollows Foundation
- The Mountain Institute
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Salvation Army
- The Terma Foundation
after List Of International NGOS Working In Pakistan you can get different Pakistan economic current position so must visit this website for different interesting topics.
I want info about any NGOs working in Pakistan which help the needy patients.
Good day Ahmad,
Let me know what info you need?
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