If you want to know about career options after intermediate commerce ICOM in Pakistan than visit yes you are at the right place so read all given information that is collected by deep research. Here we want to0 mention before any course admission you have to know about that course future scoop in details because this research is very important for your career. Students keep in mind choice that field that is best for your interest level if you has interest in commerce field then I.com is best for you, in further details we will explain career options after intermediate commerce ICOM in Pakistan but before all this we want to mention different teachers and career consultant view about students selected of intermediate courses.
Career Options After Intermediate Commerce ICOM In Pakistan
According to their view, the intermediate level is the turning point for every student’s education life because after intermediate every student will select their future professional field in graduation. Usually, students have no idea which field is best for their interest that is the reason 95% students want to join doctor or engineer field but if they get career consoling after 10th class then they can choose the best career. Commerce field has good and bright future for commerce students. In I.com you can get study in environmental business, economic, political science, social economical culture, and accountancy so keep in mind these subjects if you have interest in these subject then select ICom. Now in below side career options after intermediate commerce ICOM in Pakistan is available in details.
Career Options After ICOM in Pakistan:
After intermediate commerce, you can join these following educational fields for a professional career. In case of a newcomer who even has no experience of work is a tough work to find a good job after ICom. But if there is a data entry job or any other computer-based job is available then you can perfectly merge with it. Or in case your father has a business then you can hold it or you can also attempt the job as an assistant of an accountant in any firm or company.
Computer Short Courses After Intermediate Commerce:
we are also suggesting you do some computer short courses after icom in Pakistan. These computer short courses make you able to hold a job with a shortcut while there are lots of other then computer short courses are also available which you can apply in the following.
- Microsoft Office (Office Management) Word, Excel, PowerPoint
- AutoCAD (Map drafting)
- Adobe Photoshop
- Coral Draw
- Mobile Repairing
- Android App Development
- Web-Development
- Any Accounting Software (different software are available in the market)
What Should I Do After 12th Commerce:
Meanwhile, we suggest to all the students who are searching for career options after intermediate commerce ICOM in Pakistan, must continue their studies. The following are the best options after which you can take a handsome initiative towards the betterment of your career.
- BBA Bachelor in Business Administration
- com bachelor in Commerce
- CA charted Accounted
- Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ACCA
- Diploma in Retail Management
- Diploma in Accounting and Finance Bachelor if computer Application BCA
- 5 years Bachelor of Law LL.B
- Diploma in Human Resources
- Diploma in Banking
- Diploma in Infrastructure and Construction
- Diploma in Marketing
- Diploma in Plastic Technology
- Diploma in Entrepreneurship
- Diploma in Airhostess and Flight Steward
- Diploma in Hotel Management
Hence these are all the best career options after intermediate commerce ICOM in Pakistan. Now I am hoping that you have got the point about your query what should I do after 12th Commerce in Pakistan. But if you still want to take further assistance you can leave your message below, or you can also send your comments in the following commenting section relating to career options after ICom in Pakistan to suggest others about to choose the best option.
Kia bba colleges me krwate hn Karachi me?
What can i do after my intermediate in commerce while my percentage is 69.36% ??
You do CA if become a rich person in future
Can i do software engineering after icom
what i do after my intermediate perfect in commerce field