The University of Engineering and Technology UET announces the entry test result 2025 on the day after the test. UET Lahore conducted a combined entrance test for admissions to engineering institutions of Punjab on 15th July 2021. This year more than 45000 students appeared in this test. Only those candidates who will be able to take engineering admissions in government engineering universities will pass this test otherwise even a student who has 90% marks in FSc pre-engineering but he or she failed or did not appear on the test will not be able to take admission. So if you want to pursue your career in engineering then you must pass this UET ECAT entry test result 2025. The expected date for the announcement of this UET ECAT result is 16 July 2025. The result will be available online on this website on 16 July 2025.
UET Announces Entry Test Result 2025
UET ECAT Test Date: July, 2025
Answer Keys Announcement: July 2025
More than 45000 students appeared in that entrance test for BSc engineering for about 5,000 seats. The test was held simultaneously at
- University of Engineering and Technology, Main Campus, G. T. Road, Lahore
- University of Engineering and Technology, Kala Shah Kaku Campus
- The University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
- International Islamic University, Sector H-10, Islamabad
- College of Engineering & Technology, Baha-ud-din Zakariya University, Multan
- NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology, Khanewal Road, Multan
- College of Engineering, Islamia University, Bahawalpur
- Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Rahim Yar Khan
- NFC Institute of Engineering and Fertilizer Research, Faisalabad
- The University of Gujrat, Gujrat
- Government College of Technology, Rasul
- Dr. A. Q. Khan Institute of Technology, Mianwali
- Quaid-e-Azam College of Engineering and Technology, 6 KM Pakpattan Road, Sahiwal
University of Engineering and Technology UET Lahore conducted the ECAT test on 15 July 2025 but has not announced its result yet. This university will announce the results soon. After the announcement of this result, students can check their results by roll number from this website. The result will also be available in the form of pdf and students can download the pdf file or check their results online. Entry test is compulsory to pass with good marks because it comprise 50% marks in UET aggregate marks for admissions in engineering programs. UET Announces Entry Test Result 2025 after a few days of this test.
Result kB ai ga
141883 mera roll no hai plz result bta dain
friends mja apne 2013 ka reult chahya kya ap mjaa kahe sa dondh ka bta sakta ho its very urgent plz help me ?? my rool number is 133458 or agar kase bhi ko mila mja aj he contact kara 03366697217
next test kab ho gay
kindly mera rzlt bta dain plzzzzz……….my rol no 115491 nd cnic is 3550103483061
slam my roll no is 251478,please tel me result
slam my roll no is 251478,please tel me result
koe hai yahan pe plz chek my result.
Plz show me result my roll num 253339
urgent please bhaiii khul ni raha result mere passs
heloo bhai plz koi mujhy bataye mainy galti sy duplicate answer sheet entry test ky doran un ko wapis dy di thi ab main apna result kesy check karu mujhy sirf apna roll no yaad hai
sir my roll number is 291355. Plz tel me my rzlt.
my roll no is 134120 plz tell me my result plz… cnic is 3130116689689
here is my roll number.117287.kindly tell me my result.
Roll no..253843 nic 16101-0971648-9 plz check my result…
roll no. 131266 plz tel my result seession 2014
Sir my roll 253843 and nic 1610109716489..plz tell me result..
plzz result bata dein ..roll no. 133187
281218 is my roll no tell me result plzz
roll number 192058..plz tell me
Sir myra bi result bta he do phir.115406.fiaz hussain.
my roll number 113712 plz result bta dy
My roll no is 252052 plz result beta dain
Plx show me result roll no 271791
plz any one tell me my result
combined entry test 2014 uet lahore ka result kis time pe or kb announce hoga. Plzzz ans.
jn lrko ny diploma kia hy un m sy max numb kitny
kiay hai?
Sir me apna Roll-No bhool gaya hun. can I check my entry-test result with my CNIC…..? plz tell me plz plz………..
Enter YOur CNIC & Fnd roll number
plz bta do
roll no 152913 and cnic no 3130277704734 plz check my result
Marks 400 me se 101
my roll no is 113918 CNIC is 3520234483448
roll num 114005 cnic 3840361706475 result bta dain…
roll #115660 CNIC # 3520153103144 plz show my result of enrty test held on 18-08-2013 for Bsc
my roll no is 133089 and my cnic is 38403-8273937-9.plz show my result
my roll no iz 133089.plz tell my rzlt
plx reslt bta dain
roll num 113525 cnic num:3520232583370
my roll number for ECAT is 130289 and CNIC is 38403-0845079-4 my result is not opening plz tell me my result.thanks
253 🙂
corecct ans 67 incorect 15 attempted 18
Marks 400 me se 253
sorry ye zainab fatima ka result hia
My roll nmbr is 121467 and CNIC NO is 3120369970455
My roll nmbr is 121467 and CNIC NO is 3120569970455
roll no. 151698 cnic 3130305024835 please tell me result
plz mje reslt btao koi roll num 111772 and cell num 03454136416 cnic 3530390168989
rol num 22936
plz tell me ans fast
uet men admsn leny k liye
entry test k elava fsc men kam sy kam kitny marks hny chahyen
salam my roll no 140019 CNIC no 3210224558021 pls result bta de
tell me the result 140019
cnic no 3210224558021
Salam my rol number is 281751
CNIC is 3520274018043 plz result bata dain
r u frm faisalabad or ur father has retired from paf
roll num 152867 and cnic 31104-0624057-3 plz tell result
plz tl me rslt 146481 rol nu 3110187196463
rol nu 146481 cnic nu 31101 8719646 3 tl me rslt
312. congrats
mera result pta kar k bta 144456 yeh mera roll no hy
roll no is 144456
plz tell me result