University of Agriculture Faisalabad UAF Spring admission 2014 are open and all admission details procedure, criteria available on this page so keep in touch with this page are get all details so read all given information. University of Agriculture Faisalabad stand on 98th top ranking worldwide universities. that the reason lot of student want to get admission in University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
Now University open Admission Spring semester 2014. Applications are invited for admission to the following postgraduate dgree programs at University of Agriculture Faisalabad/ College of Agriculture. Dera Ghazi khan from candidates possessing degrees required as minimum eligibility creiteria from HEC recognized Universities/ Institutions.
University open admission in Morning and Evening programs all details are given below:
Morning Programs:
M.A fine Arts MSC Fiber and Textile Technology, Home Economic in food and Nutrition also population Science with subsidized dues.
MSC Hons / Mphil/ MS:
Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding and Genetic, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Environmental Science, Forestry, Biotechnology, Agri, Biotechnology, Rural Development, Agri Biotechnology, Rural Development, Agri Extension, Home Economic in food and Nutrition, Home Economics in human Development and Family Studies, Home economics in Clothing and Textile. Dairy Technology, Food Safety and Quality Management, Food Service Management, Agri Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, Animal breeding and Genetics, Livestock Management, Animal Nutrition, Poultry Science, Theriogenology, Microbiology, Parasitological, Pathology, Anatomy, Clinical Medicine and Surgery, MS Management in Agribusiness.
College of Agriculture in Dera Ghazi khan:
MSC hons in Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Soil Science, Entomology, Horticulture and MSC in Rural Sociology.
Important Note:
The applicants must submit the proof of qualifying GAT general type test organized by NTS for Admission to MSC hons/ Mphil/MS. Candidates awaiting for this result may also submit admission form. However they shall have to provide the proof of qualifying the same test before displaying of meritlist.
For MSC /MSC (Hons) and Mphil admission in the disciplines of Fibre and Textile Technology, Home Economics Food and Butrition, Home Economics in humandevelpomant and family Studies, Home Economic in Clothing and Textile and MA fine Arts some seats are resevered on self Support Basis. The Entry fee for admission in these disciplines is RS 2,00,00/- RS-50,000 with the application form and RS- 1,50,000 in Subsequent semesters in addition to normal other university dues. The bank draft pay order for RS RS, 50,000 be deawn in favour of Treasurer UAF and be submitted in his office. The receipt obtained from the Treasurer’s office is to be attached with the application form. The reserved seats for disabled persons are 1% sports 2%, extracurricular activities 2% and overseas 1% respectively of the total admission.
PhD Admission New Framework:
Application will be received throughout the year but the admission status will be notified twice a year in September and February.
A research proposal a valid AT Subject test by NTS/ UAF are required at the time of Submission of Application forms.
PhD Programs:
Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding and Genetic, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Environmental Science, Forestry, Biotechnology, Agri, Biotechnology, Rural Development, Agri Biotechnology, Rural Development, Agri Extension, Home Economic in food and Nutrition, Home Economics in human Development and Family Studies, Home economics in Clothing and Textile. Dairy Technology, Food Safety and Quality Management, Food Service Management, Agri Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, Animal breeding and Genetics, Livestock Management, Animal Nutrition, Poultry Science, Theriogenology, Microbiology, Parasitological, Pathology, Anatomy, Clinical Medicine and Surgery , Botany, Ecology, Zoology , Chemistry, Biochemitry, Physics, Agri, Extension and Sociology. The candidates will be interviewed on February 12 2014 in the office of respective deans/ Director General NIFSAT.
University of Agriculture Faisalabad UAF Spring admission 2014
University conducts GRE Subject Test:
The university will conduct a GRE subject test in Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding and Genetic, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Environmental Science, Forestry, Biotechnology, Agri, Biotechnology, Rural Development, Agri Biotechnology, Rural Development, Agri Extension, Home Economic in food and Nutrition, Home Economics in human Development and Family Studies, Home economics in Clothing and Textile. Dairy Technology, Food Safety and Quality Management, Food Service Management, Agri Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, Animal breeding and Genetics, Livestock Management, Animal Nutrition, Poultry Science, Theriogenology, Microbiology, Parasitological, Pathology, Anatomy, Clinical Medicine and Surgery , Parasitology, Pathology, Physiology, Pharmacology, Theriogenology, Ecology and physics on February 9, 2014 candidates who want to take this test need to submit a bank draf worth RS.1500 in favor of Treasurer UAF or bank Receipt from the NBP or HBL, university branches in the office of DGS, UAF up to 31-01-2014, Application form for this test may be obtained from the office if director Gradutes Studies. Roll number slip issued from he office of director Graduate Studies and original CNIC are required at the time of test. This test is only one eligibility criteria of admission and not a guarantee for admission.
Scholarship/ Financial Assistance:
University offer scholarship for needy student of all degree program USAID funded Merit and need Based Scholoarship, HEC need Based Scholarships, HEC indigenous Scholarships Punjab Educational Endowment FUND (PEEF) Scolorship, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Need Based Scholarships, UAF Merit Scholorships, UAF loan Scheme, UAF Alumni Sponsored Scoloarships, Bait ul mal scholarship and Numerous Private Donors/ Organization.
Evening Program (Pakistan national)
MBA 3 ½ year and GAT general for MSc HONS/ MS/ Mphil from NTS is required for admission.
The candidate seeking admission under Evening program may submit the proof of qualifying GAT test within two semesters, otherwise, their admission shall atand cancelled.The reserved seats for disabled persons are 1% sport 2% extracurricular activities 2% and overseas Pakistani 1% respectively of Total admission.
Saturday/ Sunday programs:
University offer MA in English, M.Com, M.Ed, MSC in Mathematics, Education and Sociology.
Application received upto 08-02-2014
Candidate for depositing dues will be displayed on February 10-2014
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