BOP (bank of Punjab) is offering career chances in the form of MTO (Management trainee officers) jobs 2014. These jobs will be given after the National testing service NTS test. The Bank of Punjab is one of the leading banks of the country. It is not only the bank in Punjab province or Pakistan, it is an international bank. This Bank was established in 1989. After the establishment of the bank it was given the status of retail bank in 1994. At present there are up to 344 branches in all over the Pakistan. According to a survey the bank of Punjab is the seventh largest bank of the Pakistan. BOP is known for the wide range of banking services to the valued customers. Being an international bank BOP also deals in international currencies. The Bank of Punjab serves its clients with a quality of experience of banking that they got through the years of their progress. For the enhancement of the services of the bank the bank is wants to hire eligible candidates that are self motivated, determined and talented employees. BOP is carrying out this recruitment through the NTS. National Testing Service is adopted by most of the companies of Pakistan for the recruitment of the employees. In this NTS test the candidates are tested if they are eligible for the required job or not. Here we are giving you a detailed account on NTS test that includes Test Result, Answer keys and test results. In short all the information about these jobs is given here.
Introduction to MTO
This post is given mostly to the fresh graduates (in management sciences). The candidates pass through the NTS test for the selection procedure. The selected candidates then go through the training program. Once they complete their training they are posted in different branches and officer’s centers in all around the country. To attend this entry test you need to register first. here we are providing you the registration link.
To register online Click Here.
The bank of Punjab MTO Jobs NTS test answer key
Here we are providing the answer key for the students who have given the entry test for the MTO jobs. This answer key enables the candidates to know whether their answer were right or wrong. It is equivalent to the result as it enables the candidate to analyze their performance in the entry test. In the test MCQs are mostly asked. In the answer key the right options of the MCQs are given. NTS is going to release the answer key for the NTS test that was commenced for The bank of Punjab MTO jobs. The candidates who are waiting for the answer key can download their respective answer key form our website soon after the release of answer key by NTS.
The Bank of Punjab MTO Jobs NTS test result
After a short time period the candidates will be given the result for the NTS test that was commenced for the MTO jobs at BOP. This result enables the candidates to know about their exact performance in the test. On the basis of this result BOP will select the candidates with best performance. Firstly answer key is released and then result is announced so soon after the answer key, result will be announced. The bank of Punjab gave the task to NTS to carry out the test therefore the result will be announced on the official website of the national testing service. The candidates waiting for the result are required to keep visiting this page. As result will be uploaded here.