There is no Nation exist in this World who got success without investing under Human element. President also said that we will continue progress in the field of education by the hook or by the crook. Poverty,darkness always cause the crime in nation. Waseela-e-Taleem Program will always serve to disabled Children specifically students so far. There is no relation between Poverty and darkness and we always continue ware against these two things.
Our Government will always focused upon enhancement of education in the society so that we can fight against poverty and darkness. These are some emotion which was shared by president Asif Ali Zardari while announcing about the Waseela-e-Taleem Program at its opening ceremony yesterday. Our utmost desire is to spread education all over the Pakistan regardless their cast and kind. For success nation have to invest a lot in Human Capital. Actually where there is Poverty there is also darkness exist up to some extent, so it is mandatory to fight against these two things.
We should fight against Poverty and extremism. He also ponder upon that Waseela-e-Taleem throw light upon the future of Pakistan’s poor Children who cannot afford the expense of Education. Other Relevant Information for those who cannot understand English that same news is available in Urdu Language(National Language of Pakistan).