Here you can get information about NTS GAT Test Result Card Download Online details if you are appeared in GAT test and you want to get your result than according to NAT GAT test result schedule you can get your result online with simple method. Students GAT test is design for MS and M.Phill programs through this test student knowledge assessment judgment procedure is fulfill with effective way. If you want to get admission in MS or M.Phill programs than you must have 16 years of education by recognize institute this must be registered by HEC or equivalent level. One thing is important your GAT test result validity is based on only two years. NTS national testing service is organizations that have different responsibility like evaluation of test just like United States test standard. NAT test design for those students who want to get admission in college and university for graduation program and GAT test is design for those students who want to get admission in post graduation programs like MS or MPhill. If you prepare GAT and NAT these than in future you can easily clear abroad universities admission test because NTS organization design their test system according to US test system level.
Sr# | Test
Date |
Result Card
Dipatch Date |
12 | Sunday 21st December 2014 | Wednesday
31st December 2014 |
1 | Sunday 18th January 2015 | Wednesday
28th January 2015 |
2 | Sunday 22nd February 2015 | Wednesday
4th March 2015 |
3 | Sunday 22nd March 2015 | Wednesday
1st April 2015 |
4 | Sunday 19th April 2015 | Wednesday
29th April 2015 |
5 | Sunday 24th May 2015 | Wednesday
3rd June 2015 |
6 | Sunday 28th June 2015 | Friday
10th July 2015 |
7 | Sunday 26th July 2015 | Wednesday
5th August 2015 |
8 | Sunday 23rd August 2015 | Wednesday
2nd September 2015 |
9 | Sunday 20th September 2015 | Friday
2nd October 2015 |
10 | Sunday 18th October 2015 | Friday
30th October 2015 |
11 | Sunday 22nd November 2015 | Wednesday
2nd December 2015 |
12 | Sunday 20th December 2015 | Wednesday
30th December 2015 |