Islamic university Bahawalpur Gat test registration Result Merit list roll no Slips are available on this page you can get the Roll number slip through our given link. On this page you can get Advertisement by The Islamic University of Bahawalpur Mphil/MS/LLM/MSC (Hons) and PhD Admissions for Spring Semester 2017. is the best fastest growing educational portal that provies you best link through this you can Gat roll number slip and many more like Board, University, Colleges, result you can also get NTS test dates, roll number slip, result etc so keep in touch with this website. The Islamia University of Bahawalpur was invites applications on prescribed forms for admission to M.Phil/MS/LLM/M.Sc (Hons) and PhD programs under semester and L.L.M under annual system in the following subjects: keep on reading the scroll down this page to get the Islamic university Bahawalpur GAT test registration result merit list and roll number slip according to the authorities to take admission in this university for undergraduate and graduate programs.
Islamic University Bahawalpur Gat Test Registration Result Merit list Roll No Slips

Admission open for MPhil/LLM Regular Programs:
Arabic, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Commerce, Economics, English (Literature), English (Linguistics), Education, Educational Training, Geography, Gender Studies, History, Islamic Studies, Inorganic Chemistry, Library & Information Science, Mathematics, Media Studies, Organic Chemistry, Pakistan Studies, Persian, Physics, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Political Science, Statistics, Siraiki, Urdu & Iqbaliat
So Click on below link and get Islamic university Bahawalpur GAT test registration Result Merit list roll no Slips
when you click on this link than you get The Islamic University of Bahawalpur GAT Special Test Advertisement, Application Form, Last date For Application Submission and Test Date so keep in touch with this website and get educational updates. hope you have obtained the IUB merit list for undergraduate, graduate and post graduate programs. but if you have any query or question in your mind set relating to this post then leave your comment in the following comments box.