University of Engineering and Technology conducted the entry test from the candidates who want to get admission in Engineering colleges of Punjab. Every year UET Lahore take entry test from a number of candidates and after that announce the merit list to grant admissions. Now UET Lahore Expected Merit 2025 For Electrical Engineering, Civil, Mechanical has been announced and you can get it from here to see the maximum and minimum merit. According to this merit given here, you can get to know that admission will granted to you or not. UET is a Public research university which is located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. It is one of the largest university by the point of granting admission every year as around 1800 students out of 42500 applicants. So it is very hard to get admission in UET just because of its standard. It grants admission strictly on the basis of merit and last year 40,700 students we deprived off to get admission in UET. It was established in the year of 1921 and it is noted as the oldest university of Pakistan. It is also having the high ranks among the top ten Engineering universities by the Higher Commission of Education. It offers various programs such as undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral studies in disciplines of engineering, law, philosophy, business management, natural and social sciences.
UET Lahore Expected Merit 2025 For Electrical Engineering, Civil, Mechanical
First Merit List 2017 UET Lahore
 Min | Max | Discipline | Campus | Category |
82.6022727 | 91.4613636 | Electrical Engineering | LHR | A |
82.5818182 | 82.5818182 | Electrical Engineering | LHR | L |
81.7909091 | 81.7909091 | Electrical Engineering | LHR | O |
81.3863636 | 89.9545455 | Mechanical Engineering | LHR | A |
81.2863636 | 82.3659091 | Electrical Engineering | LHR | N |
81.2772727 | 81.2772727 | Mechanical Engineering | LHR | L |
80.4204545 | 87.7136364 | Mechatronics & Control Engg | LHR | A |
80.2159091 | 80.2159091 | Electrical Engineering | LHR | R |
79.8613636 | 87.2931818 | Civil Engineering | LHR | A |
79.525 | 80.1409091 | Mechanical Engineering | LHR | N |
79.2522727 | 86.0363636 | Computer Engineering | LHR | A |
79.1954545 | 84.6931818 | Petroleum & Gas Engineering | LHR | A |
79.1818182 | 79.1818182 | Mechanical Engineering | LHR | O |
78.7045455 | 85.6636364 | Chemical Engineering | LHR | A |
78.3681818 | 81.1409091 | Mechanical Engineering | KSK | A |
78.3613636 | 82.4295455 | Electrical Engineering | KSK | A |
78.0431818 | 78.0431818 | Chemical Engineering | LHR | N |
78.0340909 | 78.0340909 | Petroleum & Gas Engineering | LHR | N |
77.7431818 | 79.3295455 | Industrial & Manufacturing Engg | LHR | A |
77.5909091 | 81.5772727 | Builiding & Architectural Engg | LHR | A |
77.3704545 | 86.4590909 | Computer Science | LHR | A |
77.0568182 | 78.4295455 | Chemical Engineering | KSK | A |
76.8909091 | 76.8931818 | Civil Engineering | LHR | N |
76.7568182 | 80.35 | Metallurgical & Materials Engg | LHR | A |
76.6590909 | 78.8272727 | Architecture | LHR | A |
76.6568182 | 81.9886364 | Electrical Engineering | LHR | S |
76.65 | 76.65 | Architecture | LHR | N |
76.1181818 | 83.3 | Electrical Engineering | FSD | A |
75.925 | 82.0272727 | Mechanical Engineering | RCET | A |
75.8886364 | 78.5 | City & Regional Planning | LHR | A |
75.4772727 | 86.1727273 | Environmental Engineering | LHR | A |
75.4295455 | 77.9795455 | Transportation Engineering | LHR | A |
75.4272727 | 78.275 | Electrical Engineering | RCET | A |
75.3431818 | 75.3431818 | Metallurgical & Materials Engg | LHR | N |
75.2318182 | 75.2318182 | City & Regional Planning | LHR | N |
75.1090909 | 78.1545455 | Polymer Engineering | LHR | A |
74.7909091 | 78.7363636 | Civil Engineering | NWL | A |
74.7318182 | 81.1022727 | Mechatronics & Control Engg | FSD | A |
74.6772727 | 77.1863636 | Chemical Engineering | FSD | A |
74.6272727 | 78 | Mining Engineering | LHR | A |
74.5545455 | 78.7363636 | Mechanical Engineering | LHR | S |
74.5165493 | 76.1133803 | Electrical Engineering | KSK | I |
74.5136364 | 78.5090909 | Geological Engineering | LHR | A |
74.4954545 | 78.0977273 | Product & Industrial Design | LHR | A |
74.3909091 | 78.2454545 | Mechanical Engineering | NWL | A |
74.2386364 | 75.9613636 | Electrical Engineering | NWL | A |
74.0954545 | 74.0954545 | Metallurgical & Materials Engg | LHR | S |
73.825 | 73.9022727 | Mechatronics & Control Engg | LHR | S |
73.6727273 | 75.7136364 | Petroleum & Gas Engineering | LHR | S |
73.5954545 | 75.3227273 | Industrial & Manufacturing Engg | RCET | A |
73.3318182 | 75.4454545 | Civil Engineering | LHR | S |
73.1477273 | 73.1477273 | Mining Engineering | LHR | N |
73.1159091 | 76.8181818 | Computer Science | RCET | A |
73.1090909 | 73.1090909 | Architecture | LHR | T |
73.0367647 | 73.0794118 | Mechanical Engineering | KSK | I |
72.5387324 | 79.9720588 | Electrical Engineering | FSD | I |
72.3932836 | 72.8558824 | Mechanical Engineering | RCET | I |
72.309507 | 73.055597 | Electrical Engineering | NWL | I |
72.25 | 72.25 | Mechanical Engineering | NWL | P |
72.1073529 | 73.0764706 | Chemical Engineering | KSK | I |
72.0720149 | 72.175 | Mechanical Engineering | NWL | I |
71.975 | 76.5159091 | Industrial & Manufacturing Engg | LHR | S |
71.9227273 | 73.1 | Chemical Engineering | LHR | S |
71.8909091 | 75.6659091 | Architecture | LHR | S |
71.7045455 | 76.3022727 | Builiding & Architectural Engg | LHR | S |
71.5705882 | 71.5705882 | Electrical Engineering | RCET | I |
71.41 | 77.7686567 | Civil Engineering | NWL | I |
71.1636364 | 71.8431818 | Environmental Engineering | LHR | S |
70.8545455 | 74.3272727 | Mechanical Engineering | KSK | S |
70.6294118 | 71.2235294 | Industrial & Manufacturing Engg | LHR | I |
70.3954545 | 74.9363636 | Electrical Technology | KSK | fsc |
70.2535211 | 72.7866197 | Electrical Technology | KSK | dae |
69.925 | 70.0909091 | Polymer Engineering | LHR | S |
69.6818182 | 78.7318182 | Mechanical Technology | KSK | fsc |
69.5926471 | 69.5926471 | Industrial & Manufacturing Engg | RCET | I |
69.5477273 | 69.7318182 | Transportation Engineering | LHR | S |
69.4340909 | 75.4090909 | Electrical Engineering | KSK | S |
69.2431818 | 70.1363636 | Chemical Engineering | KSK | S |
69.0590909 | 69.0590909 | Geological Engineering | LHR | S |
69.0363636 | 70.5772727 | Electrical Engineering | RCET | S |
68.8636364 | 73.9295455 | Chemical Technology | KSK | fsc |
68.7931818 | 68.8886364 | Product & Industrial Design | LHR | S |
68.7931818 | 71.6363636 | Mechanical Engineering | RCET | S |
68.6090909 | 68.6090909 | City & Regional Planning | LHR | T |
68.3235294 | 73.0794118 | Mechanical Technology | KSK | dae |
67.8831967 | 67.8831967 | Architecture | LHR | I |
67.4454545 | 71.0954545 | Electrical Engineering | FSD | S |
67.1409091 | 69.45 | Bio-Medical Technology | KSK | fsc |
67.1272727 | 68.6068182 | Chemical Engineering | FSD | S |
67.116791 | 67.116791 | Civil Engineering | NWL | SI |
66.8981343 | 67.6697761 | Mechatronics & Control Engg | LHR | I |
66.3634615 | 66.3634615 | Metallurgical & Materials Engg | LHR | I |
65.7590909 | 70.8931818 | Mechatronics & Control Engg | FSD | S |
65.4659091 | 71.4227273 | Textile Technology | FSD | fsc |
65.1840909 | 68.7818182 | Mechanical Engineering | NWL | S |
65.1068182 | 65.1068182 | Electrical Engineering | FSD | P |
64.8302239 | 64.8302239 | Electrical Engineering | KSK | SI |
64.7977273 | 68.7681818 | Electrical Engineering | NWL | S |
64.7340909 | 71.2204545 | Civil Engineering | NWL | S |
64.2694444 | 64.8361111 | Mechatronics & Control Engg | FSD | I |
62.9636364 | 62.9636364 | Mechanical Technology | KSK | M |
62.4977612 | 62.4977612 | Mechanical Engineering | KSK | SI |
62.375 | 62.375 | Petroleum & Gas Engineering | LHR | I |
61.2022727 | 78.2363636 | Mechanical Engineering | LHR | M |
61.1699275 | 72.1073529 | Chemical Technology | KSK | dae |
60.76 | 62.685 | Mining Engineering | LHR | I |
58.6659091 | 81.7431818 | Electrical Engineering | LHR | M |
56.035 | 56.035 | Petroleum & Gas Engineering | LHR | SI |
54.8886364 | 74.1363636 | Civil Engineering | LHR | M |
53.5727273 | 62.6568182 | Computer Engineering | LHR | M |
53.3022727 | 53.3022727 | Computer Science | LHR | M |
53.1863636 | 53.1863636 | Petroleum & Gas Engineering | LHR | M |
53.14 | 64.235 | Bio-Medical Technology | KSK | dae |
52.6522727 | 62.6838235 | Industrial & Manufacturing Engg | LHR | M |
52.3727273 | 57.9318182 | Mechatronics & Control Engg | LHR | M |
50.7295455 | 50.7295455 | Chemical Technology | KSK | M |
50.6608696 | 63.1902174 | Textile Technology | FSD | dae |
UET Lahore Merit List 2025 For Electrical Engineering, Civil, Mechanical is Coming Soon….
In 2016 UET Lahore maximum merit in the first merit list for Electrical Engineering was 91.46 which is included in A category. This year UET Lahore Expected Merit 2025 For Electrical Engineering will be 92.50 and the students will face so much difficulty to get admission in UET Lahore. In 2016 for mechanical engineering the maximum merit was 89.95 and thousands of applicants were failed to get admission, this year UET Lahore Expected Merit 2025 For Mechanical Engineering is 91.46. For Civil Engineering we are expecting The merit of 88.50. We have given you the detailed merit list of last year so that you can get to know the merit of this year. Yet UET Lahore Merit List 2025 has not been announced, it is going to be announced at October 2025, As it will be announced we will give you here.
sir ug merit list abhi tk nahi lgi? kb lgay gi?
A.o.a sir. My aggregates are 66.09. Kia uet lhr men ho skta h kisi engg men?!