Students if you want to get University Of Agriculture Peshawar OTS Test Result, Merit List 2015-2014 details that are given on this page. According to university of Agriculture Spring Semester 2015 post graduation programs admission was open till 28th of November 2014 and thousand of application are received by students. Those students can get admission who will fulfill university admission merit polity so students if you are applied for M.SC, PhD, M.phil, MS and Master degree programs than you must be appeared in University admission test that will be conducted by OTS open testing service organization. Here we want to share for you knowledge University Of Agriculture Peshawar are giving testing service to Open Testing Service Organization so you must knowledge about OTS organization. This testing organization is providing testing services to different education institute or different organization. Now in below side get details about University Of Agriculture Peshawar OTS Test Result, Merit List 2015-2014.
University Of Agriculture Peshawar OTS Test Result, Merit List 2015-2014
University Of Agriculture Peshawar OTS Test Result 2015-2014
Students if are applied in University of Agriculture Peshawar Spring admission 2015 than for you information through entry test you can get admission in university different programs. University all programs Admission test date are announced by the university so you will be appeared on 14th of December 2014 for University spring admission 2015 entry test and after two day you can get University Of Agriculture Peshawar OTS Test Result because university are announced Admission test date result date that is 17th of December 2014. Now in below side we will updated red color link for your online admission entry test result on 17th of December.
Click here for University of Agriculture Peshawar OTS Test Result 2015-2014
University Of Agriculture Peshawar Merit List 2015-2014:
Students according to University Of Agriculture Peshawar admission policy for each program entry test is compulsory that will conducted by OTS open testing service and you have knowledge university merit list will prepare according to your previous educational result record. Students if you have any third division in previous educational record than you are not eligible to apply in post graduation programs. So in short details your University Of Agriculture Peshawar merit list will prepare according to each students previous record with interview marks and you can get your merit list after 17th of December so visit this page off and On and get University Of Agriculture Peshawar OTS Test Result, Merit List 2015-2014 with download option.
Click here for University Of Agriculture Peshawar Merit List 2015-2014
if you are facing any difficulty about University Of Agriculture Peshawar OTS Test Result, Merit List 2015-2014 than drop you comment in below box our team will give you reply as soon as possible .
when will be the announcement of result 2015 peshawar high court?
i do not found how to check the merit list the underline red link is not working what should i do for that…
please reply soon