University Of Gujrat (UOG) is offering Admissions for B.Com (Annual) & Associate Degree programs for the year of 2017 .Here under all the details of programs available which offered in University of Gujrat Lahore Campus as admission in the year 2017. All the details such as Last date of admission with all documents and test result and other important dates are given here. As we know that University of Gujrat is one of latest public University of Punjab which is giving a standardized education level to the students enrolled in UOG. This university was came into being under the ACT IX for the year of 2004 by Government of Punjab respectively. This university is having a several campus in different location and all the campus of it are having 1000 canals of place. It is affiliated with Higher Education Commission of Pakistan at all and also have a highest ranking internationally.The main campus of it was named after a local Sufi saint Hafiz Muhammad Hayat and it is situated in the University of Gujrat campus. Now for the year of 2017 this university has offered admission and the detail of all the admission is given under here:
Campus wise Program Details:
1. Main Hafiz Hayat Campus Program offer Hotel & Restaurant Management
2. UOG Fatima Jinnah college for Women offer Program B.Com (Annual) Information technology Management Education (3 Years) Textile Surface, Home Fashion and Accessory Design.
3. UOG Margazar colony College for Women offer program (Annual) fine arts information Technology Management.
4. UOG G.T. Road college for Boys offer annual Paralegal Information Technology Management.
5. UOG Railway Road College for Women offer B.Com (annual)
University Of Gujrat (UOG) Admission Fall 2017 for B.Com (Annual) & Associate Degree
A Level/Intermediate or Equivalent program.
Deadlines of admission: 26th August, 2017
Admission are also open in BS/Master and M.Phil and Ph.d Programs which further all detail available in university official website of
For more Help:
For further detail about the admission policy and all about admission check above the ad of admission and visit the university official website and comment us in below comment section.
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ans me harry up
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very nice activity
gujrat university is very sucessfull