Pakistan red crescent medical and dental college is offering MBBs admission 2014. Admission procedure is mentioned here along with last date to apply. These admissions are for the 4 years program that will start in 2014 and will end in 2025. At present 4th year of the session of 2010 – 2015 is continued in the college. Pakistan red crescent medical and dental college is a project of Pakistan Red Crescent society, Punjab. This is a private college of medicine and dentistry and is located in Shahreah e Fatima Jinnah, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. This is a newly opened medical college but as far as it is concerned with the status of this college, one can easily have an idea about it as it is approved by ministry of health, government of Pakistan, accredited and approved by Pakistan medical and dental council and university of health sciences Lahore. that’s not just finished, Pakistan red crescent medical and dental college is listed in international medical education directory, USA and in foundational advancement of international medical education and research (FAIMER), USA. The college has invited applications from eligible candidates. Here we are providing you detailed information about these admissions. The candidates who are willing to apply can get eligibility criteria, application procedure and last date for the application from our website. Application forms are also available here. Willing candidates are required to read this post before applying. For further more details keep visiting our website.
Pak Red Crescent Medical And Dental College Admissions 2014 MBBS Last Date
Admission procedure
The candidates who are willing to get admissions in MBBS for the session of 2015-2021 at Pakistan Red Crescent medical and dental college are required to get the application forms. Application forms can be downloaded from the official website of Pakistan Red Crescent medical and dental college. After the application is downloaded the candidates must fill up these application forms completely with all authentic information. In case of incomplete and wrongly filled application form the candidate will be responsible for any kind of inconvenience. After filling up the application forms the candidates must submit the application forms. At the time of submission of application forms local candidates must pay Rs. 3000 and overseas candidates have to pay US$ 100 as the application processing fee. It is hereby notified that admissions will be given on merit and on first come first basis. College will remain opened also on Sunday and holidays for the all the deposits. Classes will be commenced as per according to the notification by government of Punjab.
Last date for submission of application forms
The candidates who are willing to apply are notified that officials of Pakistan Red Crescent medical and dental college have not given any certain date as deadline for admissions. However it is expected that the admission procedure will be completed till the end of December. For further more details about this medical and dental college and about the admission of MBBS stay in contact with us. As we always bring latest news and updates for you.
1 Comment
i am apply for this