Fatima Jinnah Dental College Karachi is offering admissions in BDS for the year of 2015.Eligibility of Admissions and Entry test details with the applying process are given here for the students want to Join Medical field in FJDC. Those candidates who are seeking admission may join now and become better, equipped, knowledgeable and acquainted to concepts of the subjects of BDS Program and FJDC will also put skill such as Communication Skills, IT and Research, better utilization of waiting period at no extra coast. So all that thing are for few time, admission will be closed after some time and the applications reach after last date shall not be accepted at all. Fatima Jinnah Dental College Karachi Admission 2015 BDS Form can also be downloaded form here.Fatima Jinnah Dental College is normally known as FJDC it is one of the oldest dental school in the city of Karachi and also in Pakistan. It was established in the year of 1992 and it run and managed by a duly registered Fatima Jinnah Dental College & Hospital Trust.
It is offering various programs to the students such as four year undergraduate programs leading to the degrees of Bachelors of Dental Science (BDS) in addition to sponsoring graduate students to post graduate qualification of M.S, M Phil and PhD.It is compulsory to pass the entry test which will be conducted by college, all the details of entry test are given under here:
Aptitude Test:
Test will be taken to grant the admission in Fatima Jinnah Dental College,Karachi. Candidates must have to pass this entry test to get admission in FJDC. Admission Kit can be obtained from the admission office on the payment of Rs 2000 and forms can also be get from the official site of the college and submitted in college office with Rs. 2000 and get the admission Kit. Overseas and foreign students visit the official site for getting forms and details regarding to admissions. Entry test date will announce on September, 2015. So be ready for the test because you can get admission without passing the test at all.
Eligibility Criteria:
- 60 marks and above HSC Pre Medical/ Equivalent are must for getting admission for BDS in FJDC.
- Foreign and Overseas Pakistani applicants & those awaiting result may also apply
Entry Test Date: 19 September, 2015
Fatima Jinnah Dental College Karachi Admission 2015 BDS Form
Admission Forms:
Submit admission form till 15th of September 2015
Candidates must have to pass this entry test to get admission in FJDC. Admission Kit can be obtained from the admission office on the payment of Rs 2000 and forms can also be get from the official site of the college and submitted in college office with Rs. 2000 and get the admission Kit. Overseas and foreign students visit the official site for getting forms and details regarding to admissions. So get application forms soon for getting admission in FJDC. Keep in touch with this page to get more latest admissions form here.
1 Comment
tell me plzzz how can I apply in fjmdc now… I am from fsd punjab pakistan…