MA Exam Result 2014 Announces by Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology and we have given it here, you can get your result by entering your roll number and also can search by name. According to getting information 107 candidates appeared in the examinations and from all of these 93 were declared as successful with a passing percentage of 86.92. All of these candidates are now waiting for the result and they can get it from this page without any difficulty.As we know that Federal University of Arts, Sciences & Technology is one of the great university and it the first university every in Pakistan,which is using only Urdu as a main language of instruction and teaching at all. The establishment of this university took place in the year dated 13th November under the ordinance No. CXIX of 2002 promulgated by then president of Pakistan. The university started its functioning in November 2002 by taking over two federal government colleges namely Federal Urdu Science College. There are three campus of this university including Abdul Haq Campus, Gulshan Campus and Islamabad Campus at all. Now Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology MA Exam Result 2014 has been declared.
Result is Coming Soon in this Month……
Objectives of University FUUAST:
The main purpose of the University is to promote higher human values of humanity, truthfulness and likeness by coaching love of the country, democracy and social responsibility in its graduates.The Federal Urdu University of Arts,Science and Technology (FUUAST) is committed to the transfer of modern knowledge to a biggest part of society through the national language in all fields of Arts, Sciences, Engineering and Emerging Technologies. The University is keen to make students with skills and capabilities necessary for meeting the challenges of the twenty-first century and take up the leadership role in their respective professions.
For further detail of MA Exam Result 2012 announces by Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology visit the University official website
2 Comments nawo
When M.A economics previous external result will announce?