All candidates who are waiting FWO jobs test result they can get Frontier Works Organization FWO NTS Test Results 2014 through this page as soon as possible. Any exact date is not announced till today but NTS take very short time for any test result announcement. This Test was conducted in Sunday 27th April 2014 so approximately your result will announce in month of May 2014 just visit this page after few days and get online result. Here you will get one red color link through that link you can get online FWO NTS Test Results 2014. Now we are giving you all background of this test that was conducted Through NTS National Testing service department. FWO Frontier Works Organization is construction frm that was established on 31th October 1966. Few days later this organization are given job opportunity for Main three Category that is Fresh Graduate Engineers, Fresh graduate Management Trainees and Associate Engineering these three categories total Eleven Sub category jobs and application submission date was till 8th April 2014 with 800 fee that was submitted in different banks branches and thousands of candidate was apply for these jobs and they all was appeared on test.
Frontier Works Organization FWO NTS Test Results 2014
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FWO selected NTS and all procedure will complete through this testing system. This is interesting thing all job and admission either they are open through private or government sector test, admission, result, interview all these things are completed through NTS organization because National testing system have ability conduct all these things on Merit bases that is the reason all candidates satisfied with those results that are announcing through NTS. Now for your reminder Frontier Works Organization FWO NTS Test Results 2014. you will get after few days now just visit this page daily bases and get error free result.
1 Comment
Sir i am not satisfied from my nts test result plz again recheck my answer sheet and inform me about my result my roll no is 30311281 and post associate engnr civil ha.